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Q1. What is A R? 


Augmented Reality is one of the most popular topics of our time. Firms are currently investing in Augmented Reality technology to market their products and can do creative work. By using the object recognition feature of devices, it is said that virtual objects are superimposed on actual images. In order to benefit from this technology; you need to have internet access and devices (smart glasses, smartphones or tablets) to identify the enhanced reality in your environment. It is also necessary that one of the applications defined on Augmented Reality be installed in this device. After these conditions have been fulfilled; Augmented Reality visualiser When you identify the application with your application, your device recognises the visual and you see a new image.

Q2. What is V R?


Technically, virtual reality is being used for computer-generated 3D environments where individuals feel the sense of being there. (Such as a screen with a helmet). He is disconnected from the reality that he entered and from the beginning, and he feels like being in the environment where virtual reality is created. In order for users to be able to "experience" this experience, virtual reality designs must be perfect; otherwise, the weak "reality sentiment" created by the user will not experience the full experience.

Q3. What is the difference between A R and VR?


From the beginning of the 21st century, everyone is now aware of the widespread visualisation technologies and wearable technologies. The most known of these are, of course, "Virtual Reality" and "Augmented Reality". What is the difference between these two technologies? What characteristics do they separate with each other?

To better understand the difference between Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, it will be more accurate to look at the hardware that provides these technologies. As is known, the backbone equipment of these two technologies is glasses. Virtual reality glasses provide an image created entirely in a computer environment by cutting the user's connection with the physical world. In doing so, he utilises elements such as the location and direction of the real world. If you turn your head to the left, you will see the left side of the virtual image.


But, Augmented Reality interacts with the environment and objects in the physical world unlike the glasses. For example; you can see how the new one will fit in with your furniture or how the 3D models will look like in a 1: 1 scale thanks to the visual created through increased reality. In other words, you can add a virtual layer on the real world and enrich the reality!

Q4. How is it used in the industry?

'Augmented Reality' What are the usage areas?

Along with technological developments, increased reality technology has started to be used in education, military, design, sports, entertainment and health sectors in the world. It is now a necessary to bring this technology to the business world when it is thought that how to make people's life easier to use "enhanced reality" technology with mobile devices. The backbone of the use of these devices is undoubtedly software and mobile applications. Practices have been developed in a wide range of fields, from fun to business, from healthcare to education, both at home and abroad, and new innovations are added every day. The device features (compass, motion sensor) used in these applications are also very popular. Usage areas include; the menu for advertising (advanced applications on billboards and printed materials), user manuals, catalogs, brochures, restaurants and cafes, and many application areas, depending on your imagination.

'Virtual Reality' What are the usage areas?

Although virtual reality is thought to be game based on first impression, day by day in different sectors and topics. At the moment, there are five main uses in the world: Entertainment, Architecture-Construction, Education, Health and Culture-Tourism. As you can imagine, entertainment industry is one of the most heavily used sectors of virtual reality technologies. The entertainment industry has already become one of the fastest adopters of new technologies. It is very clear that the entertainment industry, which is integrated into computers and smartphones during its infancy, will quickly adapt to virtual reality technologies as well. Another area where virtual reality technologies can be used is the construction and architecture sector, which is in need of much more visuality and experimentation. It is not possible to see and experience all the countless historical places, natural beauty, artefacts, museums and hotels in the world. Sometimes the time constraints of busy work life are limited; sometimes because of financial impossibilities, many people are deprived of these beauties. These obstacles can be removed a little by creating important areas, works, and stores in the virtual world and presenting them to the user.


Analyse Blippar examples:

I have downloaded the app called Blippar on my smart phone.Blippar is an augmented-reality mobile app and advertising platform that connects brands with highly targeted consumers. Blippar takes everyday products and transforms them into content-rich, consumer-centric interactive experiences. The app is available on iOS, Android, Blackberry and Windows Phone.

What does Interactive mean? 

  • Two persons influencing or affecting each other

  • allowing a two-way flow of information between a computer and a computer-user; responding to a user’s input

What does Augmented Reality mean?

  • Augmented Reality visualiser When you identify the application with your application, your device recognises the visual and you see a new image

  • In order to benefit from this technology; you need to have internet access and devices (smart glasses, smartphones or tablets) to identify the enhanced reality in your environment.


I will be analysing 2 Blippar examples from my smart phone.I will show how the original photo looks like first and then I will show the contents of the photo after it has been seen by the blippar camera.

Example 1: Here is the original photo;

I have found this photo on Google on the computer. Then I have downloaded the Augmented-reality app Blippar on my phone. I then used the Blippar camera to see the contents of the photo.

Here are the pictures that it has shown me when I put my camera on the photo above;

As you see it above, when I've used this photo on my Blippar camera, the stuff that came up is very interesting. There is a Police box that came up as well as radio times magazine. The reason why that the police box came up is because; in the actual program 'Doctor Who' they have a door that says police box on it. I have never watched this tv series, but I've heard of it before. The reason why Radio Times magazine came up is because the program 'Doctor Who' is actually being advertised on that magazine most of the time. So basically, the app is showing what behind the photo and it's connections with other things. 

Example 2: Here is the second original photo;

I also have found this photo on Google and use the app (Blippar) on my phone to discover it's connections. 

Here are the photos that it has shown me;






The original photo was a picture of an actor that plays in the movie called 'Hobbit'. Therefore, when I put my blippar camera on the image, pictures about the movie 'Hobbit' started to show up. 



I will be starting to analyse the Blipp that I will be creating. I have made a little research about the images that might be good for my video. However i'm still not too sure if the images that I have selected are the ones that I will use. Here are the images that I've checked on HD Reveal if they're good to use or not;

The original image that I have found on Google;


And here how the image looks like when I put it on HD Reveal;

The head of this lion was the image that I was going to use. However. I have changed my mind when I've logged on to my Blippar account on the computer. I thought I should use a different image. So I did. I have used the Image of Tom and Jerry to create my first Blipp. 


I have created my first Blipp on Blippar today. The blipp that I have created was about Tom and Jerry (cartoon characters). Here are the pictures of Tom and Jerry that I've found on Google to use it in my Blippar.

Tom;                                                                                   Jerry;

While creating the Blipp, I've struggled a bit as it's my first time creating blipp. However, I've got over this problem by practicing it. I have used few images to practice creating the blipp first and then I've done the actual task after practicing. I've got comfortable at creating simple blipp after practicing over and over again. Also, while creating my blipp, I've recorded my screen to prove that I've actually done the work. After completing the work off, I put the the video of screen record on my Youtube so other people and teachers can see it.

Here is the link of my video for blipp; 

The test Code of my Blippar is : 707159

Evaluation of My Projects So Far

So far, I'm happy with the work that I've done for this unit. I've done a\ a research about AR and some other stuff which wasn't re\ally hard. I have used the internet as my resource to find the information I need for the questions on task 1. I've read through some websites and wrote my answers for in the questions using my own words. When it comes to my research for the blippar, well, I've tried some examples as you can see it above. I've created my first blipp on blippar by using the images of Tom and Jerry who are cartoon characters. When I was creating my first blipp I wasn't quite sure of how to use the program. However, I have watched some videos on YouTube about how to create blipps on blippar which really helped me getting the work done. I was recording the screen when I was creating my blipp so that i have a proof to show that I can use the blippar. After that I've uploaded the video on YouTube. You can find the link of the video above in the 'my first blipp' section. So, this is what I've done so far, now i will be concentrating on finding my ideas and putting my chosen idea on action.

What Do I Hope to Achieve with My AR Project

With my AR project I hope the achieve the best results. I have few ideas in my head for the AR I'm going to make. I'm hoping to choose the best idea for my project so that I succeed and do well. I want the my AR being a bit challenging and hard so that I learn better about creating blipps on Blippar. 


Research and initial ideas of possible AR projects

For my AR project I have found 3 ideas that can be turned into AR. The ideas that I have found are basic ideas that can be done easily. However, there are obviously hard parts as well when I get to turn the one of them ideas into AR. The ideas that I have found are to do with magic, space and dollars $ (as in money). I will choose one of them ideas to use in my AR project. I will decide which idea I will chose after I do the swot analysis for each of the ideas I have found. Analysing the ideas will help me to decide which is the best idea for me to use in my AR project. I'm hoping to choose the very best and right idea for my project because I don't want to regret it later on. I want to get my work done properly and o my best to make it look professional. To do this I need to make the right choice when it comes to choosing the idea that I will use. So, here are the possible ideas I have found for my AR project;

Idea Number 1: Dollars ($)


My first idea is to do with American dollars. My plan for this idea is to get an image of American Dollars from the internet. And then get the symbol of the Illuminati and the members of Illuminati to put it on the American dollars. So, when the blipp is ready, as soon as you put your phone on the image, it will start showing the images of the Illuminati members and the symbol Illuminati on the money. I'm not sure if the Illuminati is real, but this is just one of the ideas that I've thought of for my blipp project. When the blipp is ready, I think it will be quite interesting to see those kind of images on the picture. I'm hoping that the outcome will be excellent if I choose to do this idea for my blipp project. 

Idea Number 2: Space

My second idea for this project is about the space. First of all, my plan is to get hd space background of the internet. Then I want to get png zodiac chart and png signs of every horoscope in the horoscope chart. After I've got these images, I want to have the space background and I want to put the png zodiac chart turning in the middle of the page. While the zodiac chart is turning, all the other png zodiac sings will start to appear one by one on the page. I did not really think a lot about this idea. It came up to my head straight away because I'm interested in horoscopes and fortune telling, thats' why I thought I should choose something that goes along with my soul and he things that I like.


These are some of the images that I might use if I choose to use this idea in my blipp project.


I'm planning to have this zodiac chart turning in the middle of the screen and the zodiac signs will appear one by one of the page as the zodiac chart turns. To be honest I really like this idea and I might use this idea in my project. 

Idea Number 3: The Magic Book

My third idea that I might use in this project is to do with a magic/spell book called "Necronomicon". The book necronomicon is a real spell book that has been written by a person called 'Mad Arab' in the past B.C. The book itself is contains and shows lots of potion making and different black magics. So, my idea is to download the picture of the book from the internet. Then turn in into AR. I'm planning to turn this book into AR by opening the cover of it on Blippar and show different images about magic in the book itself, as the pages are turning one by one, it will show different kind of images that looks like black magic. It is not one of my best ideas but I still thought that it would be interesting to at least have this as an idea on my list. 



Basic Plans of What Could Happen

Idea 1 (Dollars)

This idea is a good idea but not enough for me. I find it quite creative but it seems to be too simple. I would want to challenge myself little bit when I'm creating my AR because I want to get myself used to something thats a bit harder . With this idea I could improve my interactive media skills but I feel like I'm being a bit offensive by using the images who I think (not only me) have got something to do with Illuminati (if there is an illuminati). Therefore, I might not choose this idea for my project.

Idea 2 (Space)

This idea did not come up to my head straight away and it was hard to think of what I should do even though if I choose something to do with the space. Well, because I'm interested in meteorology and metaphysics I thought it would be a good idea to unite space and zodiac together to create something that I would enjoy creating. I like this idea the most but I'm hoping that it wouldn't be too hard to create the thing I want on the blippar.

Idea 3 (Magic Book)

This idea sounds a bit scary but it's still something that I would really enjoy doing. This magic book called 'Necronomicon' is an actual black magic book that contains real recipes of different kinds of black magic which could harm people. I would love to create my AR using this idea but, I don't know how to make the pages turn one by one by using the blippar or any other app. I don't find it hard but I think I should go for something thats a bit challenging and something I can do.

Justification Of Final Idea

I have came up with 3 different ideas for my Ar project. Each and every one of them ideas are very important to me but I will only choose one of them to use in my project. The idea that I have chosen for my AR project is the 'Space' idea. I think this idea is the best one for me to do because I think it's something that I would enjoy doing and also a bit challenging. Well, the main reason why I have chosen this idea is the fact that I have a weird interest in horoscopes and space. I love watching space documentaries and read about horoscopes in my free time when when I'm bored. I think the beauty of space really attracts me and the idea of infinity also really interests me about space. When it comes to horoscopes, well, I have always been interested in reading horoscopes and even I do not know the reason why. Therefore I have chosen the 'Space' idea because it contains both of the things that I'm very interested in. I would like to finish this project on blippar as soon as possible because I cannot wait to see the pictures I have found on Google to spin around on a blipp. 

Creating this blipp is going to help me to improve my skills and abilities about this unit (interactive media). It will be very beneficial for us to do this unit because it's giving us the chance to be as creative as we can. It's making us explore the things that we can do using out skills to highest point we can. Well, all this what I sad applies to me at least. So, I'm happy with the idea that I have chosen in the end. At first I was not thinking about this idea at all. In fact, I was more into creating and AR project using different ideas like the Jesus statue in Brazil. I have had many ideas about it, but they were not good enough. Therefore I started thinking about different and more interesting things which helped me to think about my 3 ideas. Well in the end I have chosen my final idea which I'm happy with and I will be creating my AR by having fun and enjoyment.


I have created a questionnaire on Google forms to receive a feedback from other people for my project. I've asked them 10 questions that i wonder about my work. I ave asked them is my idea was good, what improvements I need and what would their suggestions me for my project. I've got 10 responses and now i will be analysing these responses that I've received.

My first question in my survey was "do you know what blippar is?

The answers that i've received from this question did not shock me because most people know what blippar is in these days. As we can see 10 out of 10 people know what blippar is which is a good thing because, blippar is a good place to express your creativity. 

My second question in my survey was ' have you ever created a blipp on blippar?

As we can see on the screenshot at the left hand side of the page, most people (6 out of 10) have said answered yes to this question. I'm quite shocked about these answers to be honest because, I did expect 100% of people to answer yes to this question. This is because we had to create a blipp on blippar as an example under the title "my first blipp'. However, it seems that not all people have done it because 4 out of 10 people have answered 'no' to this question.

My third question on the survey was 'do you think it's a good idea to create AR about zodiac signs?

8 out of 10 people have answered 'yes' to this question. I'm happy about the fact hat people liked y idea because it would've made me upset or feel worried if most people answered no to this question. It seems that not even1 person have answered no to this question . In fact, 2 out of 10 people have answered 'yes'. This means most people think that using zodiac signs in the blipp is a good idea.

My fourth  question on my survey was 'would you find a zodiac AR interesting?

Again in this feedback 8 out of 10 people have answered 'yes' to this question. I'm also happy about to know the fact that it can be interesting to use something like this in my AR project. We can also see that 2 out of 10 people have answered 'no' to this question. I'm thinking that people who said 'no' are the people in the third question who said 'I don't know' dot my third question. I do respect other people's opinions.

My fifth question on my survey was do you think this AR topic is useful?'

I've asked this question in  general, I didn't mean to ask about my AR topic particularly, I've meant to ask the whole project in general. 8 out of 10 people have answered 'yes' tot his question. I'm not surprised about the fact that 2 people have answered 'no' tot his question. To be honest, I fin d this topic useful and I would like to create more blipps in my own time if I was bored.

My sixth question on my survey was 'what kind of AR would you create?' 

3 out of 10 people have said that they don't know what they would create. Here is their answers 'I don't know yet', I don't know', 'dunno'. Obviously there are people who haven't decided what to do with their projects yet. 1 out of 10 people has said 'I'm not sure yet' this person  probably have few ideas but doesn't know which one to choose. 1 out of 10 people has said ' I would create one about Doritos' which I think is a unique idea. 1 out of 10 people has said 'about make-up' the person who answered this is probably Deborah. 1 out of 10 people has said ' I think i wold do make up products'. 1 out of 10 people has said 'I think I would do one about horses'. 1 out of 10 people has said 'Cars'. And lastly, 1 out of 10 people has said they create an AR 'about nails'. In my opinion, some of these ideas are interesting.

My seventh question on my survey was 'how would you do the advertising of the AR that yo've created?'


5out of 10 people have mentioned that they don't know how they would advertise their Ar projects. 4 of these people have answered the question by only saying ' I don't know' and 'dunno' which makes me think that they don't have any idea about how to advertise their blipps. 1 0out of 10 people has said 'I'm not too sure'. 1 out of 10 people has said ' I would probably put it on google' which I think is a good idea. 1 out of 10 people 

e has aid 'put it on different social media' I think this person is referring to stuff like Facebook, instagram etc.

My eight question on my survey was 'why would you create the AR that yo want to create?'

4 out of 10 people have answered this question by saying 'I don't know' which is fair enough. I think the people who said 'I don' know' are probably the people who said they don;t know in seventh question too. 1 out of 10 people has said 'because I don'y have any ideas yet'. 1 out of 10 people has said 'it's interesting'. 1 out of 10 people has mentioned ' because I like things about make-up'. 1 out of 10 people has said because I lover horses' which I think is a good idea to use horses. 1 out of 10 people has mentioned 'I like cars' and lastly, 1 out of 10 people has stated 'I like nail art'. 

My ninth question on my survey was ' what other ideas would you suggest to use in my project?

4 out of 10 people have answered this question by saying 'I don't know'. This is fair enough I was expecting people to suggest me some stuff but unfortunately it's not happening. 1 out of 10 people has said 'your idea is good enough'. 1 out of 10 people has said 'nothing really'. 1 out of 10 people has said 'I dont't have any suggestions'. 1 out of 10 people has said 'up to you'. 1 out of 10 people has said 'nothing much'' and lastly 1 out of 10 people has said 'I have no other suggestions'. Unfortunately, no one who answered this question have not given me any suggestions about my work or didn't tell me anything to improve which is not what I was expecting.

My tenth question on my survey was 'any other comments'?

2 out of 10 people have said ' no' to this question which means they have no any other comments'. 3 out of 10 people have wished me good luck and I thank them for it. 1out of 10 people has said 'keep up the good work'. 1 out of 10 people has said 'I don't have any other comments'. 1 out of 10 people has told me to 'keep going'. 1 out of 10 people has said 'dunno' which means that they don'y know what to say. And lastly, 1 out of 10 people has said 'bye' which made me laugh


I have finished and analysed my Primary research. Now I will be making my secondary research in order to learn what what else is out there that could help me with my work.

I have found this video on Youtube. In the video it shows how to create blipp on Blippar on your computer or laptop. Obviously there are other people who choose to create their blipps on different places. However, I thought it would be better to use the blippar to create my blipp as I find it much easier to use after  have watched this video. In the video, it shows you how to download the images you're going to use when your creating your blipp. It also shows the different techniques on how to create different effects in your blipp. I have found this video very helpful and I'm looking forward to create more blipps of my own after I finish the project.

I have found a website on Google that teach people how to create Augmented reality (AR). I've checked through the website and I was amazed by the amount of information they give you on how to create blipps (AR). It is very easy that even small children can be able to understand to use the tools etc. However, I'm scare that I still don't know how to do rotating effect on the blippar. I will need to find that out very soon because it's going to affect my blipp throughout the whole process. The zodiac chart in the middle needs to be rotating constantly so I will need to learn this process to get successful results in my Ar project. I'm hoping that this website will help me about this problem.

This is one of the videos that I have found on Youtube. In fact I have watched many videos on Youtube on how t create blip and ideas on creating different blipps because I might change my idea any time if I want to (most probably not). I found this video quite interesting because it shows an Ar about a space. I thought I might be doing something like this as well, but then I realised that it could be a bit late. In the video it shows a space rocket image on a paper and as soon as you put your phone camera on the image, it shows space rockets moving off, leaving powerful energy behind them. Im really interested in astrology etc. thats why I find these kind of blipps very interesting.



My idea for this Ar project is going to convey my interest and knowledge about zodiac signs. I will be using a zodiac chart and symbols of the zodiac signs to create my blipp. It will be interesting for people who are interested in zodiac signs as well. 

Target Audience:

The target audience for my product is going to be people who has an interest in zodiac signs, horoscopes, mythology and metaphysics. People who believe and read about horoscopes are the ones who might be interested in seeing my blipp. It would be interesting for them because the blipp that I'm going to make is going to be very unique and extraordinary (well for me it's extraordinary). 

Intended Purpose of Project:

The intended purpose of this project is to increase the curiosity and the interest of people towards mythology. I see my AR project as an advertisement which can help me to make people gain interest in horoscopes.This is not something that I would do it in my normal daily life but, because this is a project that I need to complete, I thought I should do something that interests me and convince other people to have an interest in the thing that I also fin d interesting. I'm very curious about philosophic and metaphysic events and the project which I;'m doing has some kind of connections with these things which also convinced me to use this idea in my project. 

Summary of Research:


I have done my primary secondary research and analysed them in detail so that I get some ideas which I can take in account when I craete my blipp.I have finished everything that I had to complete and I have made uop my mind about the project completely. I still have the same intensions taht I had before I even make any reserach about the AR that I'm going to craete. As I have mentioned it several times before, I will be using horoscopes in my project. My exact intention fot the blipp that I'm going to create is to have the zodiac chart rotatating constantly on the screen with a nebula background. 

This is the nebula background that I'm definitely going to use for my project. I have looked at different kind of space and nebula images on the internet and I thought a HD purple nebula background would be the best one to use because I think the colour purple resembles mythology  the best. The colour purple is also resembles relaxation and is used to calm people down. Therefore, I have decided to use this background for my AR project. I'm hoping that the outcome will be as I expect it to be.

At the left hand side of the page is the zodiac chart that i'm going to use in my blipp. I did a lot of research about what kind of chart I should use and I've decided that this zodiac chart was the best one to use because, it's png and as only one colour which what I was looking for. The other zodiac charts that I've looked at were also png but, they were quite colourful which i really didn't want. the reason why I want a plain black zodiac cart is because the background that I'm going use for my blipp is very colourful (nebula background). Therefore, I thought if I was to use a colourful zodiac chart as well, everything would look really mixed up. Therefore, in my opinion it is the best to use a zodiac chart with plain black colour.

At the right hand side of the page I've listed all the png horoscope symbols in order. These are the png images that I will be using when I'm creating my blipp on blippar. I have especially chosen png images because it wouldn't be beneficial for me my work if these images had backgrounds. The reason why it wouldn't be any good is because when I have the nebula as my background in the blipp I'm going to create, it would cover the original nebula background if these images had backgrounds. So, it's good that these images have invisible backgrounds. 

I will be placing these images one by one in order around the zodiac chart which I will put in the  middle of the nebula background. These images are going to appear one by one as the zodiac chart carries on rotating constantly. I will try my best to create this blipp as good as I can. I want to create this blipp the exact way that I want it. In fact, I've tried to change my mind about to blipp that I was going to make at the last minute because I thought this idea is too simple ad not good enough. However, I didn't think of any other idea that I can really do. Also, I have already done so much work about this idea which also kept me back from changing my mind. However, i'm still happy to use this idea for my blipp, it's just the fact that I thought this idea would go too simple for the project. Well, I will be carrying on with this idea in my project as it something that tells something about my interests.

Recording the screen

In the video below I've recorded the screen to show you how my blipp works. You can click on the video below to see my work.


You can check the blipp by putting the code in your blipp searcher on your phone.


I have created a questionnaire on Google forms to ask few people about my final project. I have asked 3 people 4 questions to give me feedback on my work and here are the answers:

Q1. Do you think my blipp is good and why?

£ out of 3 people have said that my blipp is good and their reasons are 'I think you're creative' and It's extraordinary' . These answers have made me very happy.

Q2. Did I reflect my plans on the final idea?

I have asked this question to learn if I did actually show my final plans in my final project. I wanted my final project to match exactly with my final planning. It seems like it did because 3 out of 3 people have given the answer 'Yes' to this question. 

Q3. What would you have done differently and why?

I have received 3 answers for this question. The answers are all basically saying that they wouldn't have done nothing differently because my work is good enough. This made me happy. However, I was expecting them to give me ideas on what they would do differently to express their creativity. Well, they did not and it's fine.

Q4. Any suggestions for improvements?

I have asked this question in my questionnaire because I wanted people to give me ideas on how I can improve myself people have basically said that I don't need any improvements and told me to 'keep up the good work'. 1 person has said that I should have used 'sparkly symbols'. I was thinking about using sparkly symbols as well but I thought that it would be too much as my Nebula background is sparkly enough.


How effective was my planning?

My planning was very effective as I had to work out what I will be doing and how I will be doing it. I've have made a detailed planning so that I exactly know what to do. I followed every single step that I have written in my plan when I was creating my final AR. I'm happy about the fact that I have made good primary ad secondary research about this project as it also helped me to shaped my final AR. I was very interested in this project and was happy with the topic that I have chosen to use in my blipp which was about space and horoscopes. 

What went well throughout the project?

Well there are many things that went well throughout this project. In fact, at first I thought it was going to be a very hard project because at the beginning of the project I had no idea what to do and how to produce AR. However, later I have realised that it wasn't as hard as I thought it was. Before I did my final Ar project, I used the blippar and created a simple blipp as an example so that I have an idea of what kind of things I will be looking for when I create my final blipp. Therefore creating a simple blipp beforehand was a really good idea. The research that I have made about this project also went well because there were few things where I didn't know how to do when I was going to create ,my final AR but, I have found an answer for all my questions, thank to secondary research. I must say that secondary research helped me more than primary research as I couldn't really take advise from other people about my project in my primary research.

What went bad?

There aren't many things that went well with this project as I was prepared for most of the things that I wad going to do throughout the project (not at the beginning). The only problem that I had with this project is the fact that I couldn't get good answers for my project in my primary research. I felt that people who has given me feedback in my primary research questionnaire weren't being honest as many of them did not even criticise my work in any way. However, i was expecting people to be more descriptive and more critical as this could help me to improve my work if it's not good enough. In the end I've created my final Ar and I'm happy about it because I did my AR exactly the way that I wanted to be. 

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