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Advertisements Unit 4

Investigating Adverts


Banned adverts:


banned Dove racist advert-Here is link

banned Veet advert-Here is the link

banned Doritos advert-Here is the link

banned Skittles advert-Here is the link

banned Charcoal Donut advert-Here is link


1) Analyse at least 2 tv/online advertising campaigns

2) Analyse at least 2 print advertising campaigns

3) Explain the role of the ASA

4) Read through codes and pull out interesting section and analyse e.g. cigarettes 




1) Skittles advert


What kind of advert is it?

The Skittles advert is the first advert that i will be analysing. First of all let's describe the scenes that are inappropriate in the advert. The advert starts off by a groom and bride having sexual intercourse on a bed in a fancy room with the lights on (with their traditional wedding costumes on) and then end the groom starts ejaculating skittles on the brides' face. to be honest it is a fact that Skittles makes at least 1 advert banned almost every year.

Why do you think it was banned? if not known!

I could not find the reasons why this advert was banned but from my point of view it was banned because of the sexual contents the advert itself contains. Actually, it is not very surprising that this advert has been banned as it contains a lot of inappropriate sexual scenes. Even worse, the advert is presenting something that kids would be interested in which are skittles (types of sweet that kids like). I think this is where the problem occurs because, to me it looks like the target audience for such a product like skittles would be the kids and therefore, such sexual scenes like in this advert are totally unacceptable. To me it also seems like the advert almost trying to give the message of early sex or trying to convince children to start early sex before they're 16. Or, is it secretly trying to warn the teenagers who don't use condoms while they're having sex and suggesting them to ejaculate on the girls' face instead of inside? Who knows? So, therefore, in my opinion these are the reasons why this advert was banned.


What was this advert trying to say about the product?

There could be many things that the advert is trying to say about the product. For example; it might be trying to say that the product (Skittles) gives you a unstoppable power. The reason why it might be saying that is the extreme uses of power and masculinity by the man (the groom) in the advert. When we watch the advert we can clearly spot that out. However, another thing that the advert might be trying to say about the product is, the products' compliance with older age groups as well. As we know such a product like Skittles which is a type of sweet would mostly interest the younger age groups. However, in this advert we can see that 2 adults which look in their early 30's seems to be interested in the product. So, it might be trying to convince the adults to buy it as well.

How was it advertising the product ?

From my point of view the presentation of the advert is absolutely awful. The way that they advertise the product has been done in a very rude and inappropriate way. I don't even know how they came up with this idea and even if they did, how did they actually dare to put it up on the tv. 2 people in a rough sexual intercourse on the bed and presenting inappropriate behaviours that you would commonly see in porn. Therefore, the way they advertise the product is creative but unsuitable for such a product. If it was a condom advertisement than it might be okay (actually even for condom it is a bit too much) but, this is not a condom advertisement, it is advertising sweets which should be advertised in a more childish way to attract the target audience 


It would have been much better if they advertised the product in a circus, if they really was trying to make their product look like something that gives you energy and power. For example, a clown eating skittles before it gets up on the stage to gain enough energy for the whole night. In this way they could have interested the young people and make it look more fun more them and also attract the older age groups by showing that it gives you energy. They didn't necessarily had to make-up a porn-like video to interest people. Therefore, I think it was a right thing to do to get this advert removed.


2) Charcoal Doughnut advert


What kind of advert is it?

Charcoal Doughnut advert is the second Tv /online advert that I will be analysing. In the advert we see a pale-skinned Asian woman eating a black doughnut. Immediately after eating the doughnut, a black woman appears on the screen. I think this is related to the black doughnut. The advert is basically showing that if you eat a black doughnut, you become black. This accumulated too much reaction as people found it very racist. From my point of view, the advertisement is quite bizarre and racist. They were trying to promote their new charcoal doughnut. However, they could of used different ways to promote their product as there are plenty of ways to do so.

Why do you think it was banned? if not known!

I think the reason for the prohibition of the advertisement is the fact that it kind of represents racism in some ways. They could have used different ways to present their product. They did not have to make a woman's face black and put a very bright pink lip stick on her lips. This could hurt somebody's feelings. After Human Rights watched the advert, they have stated that it would cause 'howls of outrage' if it ran in the US. The CEO of the charcoal doughnuts in Thailand, Nadim Salhani did not admit that the advert was racist. He stated that "It's absolutely ridiculous, we're not allowed to use black to promote our doughnuts? I don't get it. What's the big fuss? What if the product was white and I painted someone white, would that be racist?" But some people can take the advert really racist. The reason for the prohibition of the ad is the fact that it abuses human rights.

What was this advert trying to say about the product?

To be honest it is quite hard to understand the advertisement. However, I think the advertisement is trying to create a  relation between the black doughnut and a black person in the advertisement. I find the advertisement quite racist just like many other people as well but, I do not understand what the advertisement is trying to say. It is quite obvious that the advertisement is made by racist people who have something against black people and they could be trying to express their feelings about black people by using this kind of advertisement. 

This is how the girl in the video advertisement looked like. She is an Asian girl, that's been painted in black and holding a black doughnut in her hand. There could be other ways to advertise the new black doughnut. For example; I would of presented the new product by having a customer in bakery buying pastries. And he sees the new black doughnuts on the table and asks the baker what it is, then the baker tells him that it;s the new black doughnut by "Dunkin Doughnuts". This kind of advertisement could have been much better as it will describe the product as well. However, when we have a look at the original advertisement video, the girl in black does not talk at all, does not say anything about the product apart from standing and having a bite from the doughnut.So the advertisement video is not as informative as it should be. 

Print adverts are the adverts that are on stuff like magazines, newspapers, billboards etc. There are many print adverts that have been banned and I will be analysing 2 of those print adverts that have been banned. I will be telling why they were banned, the context of the advertisements and what could they have done for their advertisement not to be banned.


1) Sisley Print advert by Fashion Junkie

Here is how the advert looks like;

How was it advertising the product?

From my point of view, the way that they advertise the product is very inappropriate. They have advertised their product without even thinking that it could hurt anybody. I think black people would be offended by this advertisement. They had a pale looking Asian girl having a bite from the black doughnut which turns her skin into black straight away as soon as she bites the doughnut. This might not offend other people but it can at least might have an affect on black people, thinking that they're making fun of their skin colour etc. which is awful. They should have been more careful while creating he story line of the advert so that they don't hurt other people and their advert don't get banned. 


The image at the left hand side if the page is the print advert of a fashion company called "Sisley". The image tells us a lot why the advert was banned. 

What kind of advert is it?

Sisley is a company that sells clothing and beauty products. In this print advertisement we can see that two nicely dressed up women are laying on a table with a white dress in front of them and two cocaine sticks in their hands. One of them women is actin like she has cocaine in front of her and she is trying o sniff it with a stick stuck up to her nose. The other woman is looking directly at the camera with unconscious eyes, suggesting that she is high on cocaine. They are in a room that has a dark design with a little bag of cocaine on the table in front of them. It looks like a creative ad but I don't think it's appropiate. 

Why do you think it was banned?

From my point of view, there is no reason why this advert shouldn't be banned. This kind of advert is not good for the fashion world as it's intentionally or unintentionally suggesting drug usage. The people (especially young people) who sees this can get affected by it. Therefore, this print advert was banned. I do not like the fact that a fashion company like Sisley runs a campaign like this, it is kind of ridiculous that they've used drugs for their products to sell. 

What was the advert trying to say about the product?

It is kind of like a secret what the advert is trying to say about the product. There are two ides in my head about what could trying to tell about the product. my first opinion is that they could be trying to say that wearing dresses from Sisley can create a drug affect on people because of how nice the clothes are. Well, even though it is not a very good interpretation of what they might be saying, I still think that's what they kind of mean. The second thing is that they might be trying to say that only people who sell or use drugs can wear their products. In this case we can connect drugs to money and money to being rich. It could basically be saying that their products are for rich people. Even though this might not be what they're trying to say, I still think that it kind of has a connection to the things that I've said. 

How was it advertising the product?

The company is advertising the product by having 2 women who seems to be addicted to drugs, one of them sniffing cocaine while the other one is looking at the camera with tired an empty eyes. This clearly suggests that there is a connection between the company and their desire to drugs. It might not be true but from the advert that what it seems like. We can understand that they're trying to be creative, however there are other ways to be creative. They didn't necessarily had to use drugs (which can suggest drug usage to people) in their advert to make it look attracting. 


2) Gelato Italiano ice cream advertisement

Here is how the advert looks like;

As we see it at the left hand side of the page there is a print advert for Gelato Italiano ice creams. This advert seems to be making fun of people's religion and I I guess that this is the reason why the advert is banned. In my opinion they've done the right thing by banning such an advert like this. This can offend Christians as it seems like they trying to do it on purpose.

What kind of an advert is it?

Gelato Italiano ice creams are one of the best selling Italian ice creams around the world. In this advertisement we can see that the company has gone a bit too far. It is a kind of advert that can hurt people in terms of religious rights. In the Print advert of Galeto Italiano ice cream, we can see a nun and a priest in an inappropriate position where it looks quite seductive.When we think in religious terms, it is a known fact that the nuns are prohibited from doing such things like this, therefore the advert is also being very disrespectful towards the nuns as well as the priests too. The priest's upper body is naked while the nun's leg is showing and wrapped around the priest's belly. 

Why do you think it was banned?

The main reason why the advertisement was banned was because they were using the religion in sexual scenes which was not appropriate.

How was it advertising the product?

The nun and the priest was very close to each other. they looked sexually attracted to each other but the main point of the advertisement is to advertise an ice cream brand. I think the main reason why they have chosen to use sexual scene in this advertisement was because they think sexual things attracts many people which is true. However, I cannot understand why they've used a priest and a nun in this kind of advertisement.


Music -

Jazz, busy, lounge music, sophisticated, calm , chilling and relaxing

ASA guide lines.


  • The ad must not be aimed at 18 or younger

  • Anyone that feature in alcohol ads must be at least 25 years old and look it.


  • not linking the consumption of alcohol to increased popularity, sexual success, confidence, sporting achievements or mental performanc


I will be making a secondary research in order to give my own opinion about the information and the videos that I will find on the internet. I will be looking at different wine (Jacob's Creek) advertisements and I will analyse it in my own words. 

First video: The link for the first video;

In this advertisement, it gives a lot of information about how the wine is made. It shows the grape trees which wine is made of, it shows the atmosphere of the land, it shows the land which where the ingredients of the wine comes from (Australia), it shows how its made and it also shows the grape farms in Australia. I think this is a very good way to show the audience of what they are drinking. This is a good way to show the audience why they should buy this alcoholic drink. 588,828 people have watched this video.

Second video: The link for the second video;


In this advertisement, they have used  good way to attract the audience. They have used the power of friendship and little parties in the advertisement. There are different groups of friend groups in different situations drinking wine together with happiness and joy. By using an advertisement like this, they are trying to show that drinking this wine will bring people together to have fun and good time with friends. In park, at the dinner table in a balcony etc. I think this is a good way to attract customers. 4563 people have watched this advertisement.

Third video: The link for the third video;

In this advertisement, they have used more scenes of parties. However, this time, it looks like they have used different people from different nationalities becoming together with this wine. This is really good because, they're trying to give the message of their wine being famous everywhere. Different parties at different location with different people from different nationalities makes the advert very interesting and attracting for the audience and the customer.


Here is the video that we have made as a group. It shows the Jacob's Creek Rose wine being picked up from different places.

The link of the video;


I have finished this unit and I must say that it was very enjoyable. I was working in a group so the things were much easier and we got everything done in such a short while. The advertisement that we have made was about an alcohol brand called Jacob's Creek. We have made a short mind-map and short secondary research about the product and moved onto filming the advertisement in the college. At first we throughout about filming the advertisement in the studio with a green background so that we could add different effects while editing the video later on. However, we thought that this would take such a long while. Therefore we decided that filming and editing shouldn't be very hard. Therefore we decided to make video like the one above.

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