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What is Primary Research?


The purpose of the primary research is to collect answers from people for specific questions. Surveys, questionnaires, interviews and talking to people individually are all included in the primary research.

The intention of the primary research is to collect answers from people for specific questions. Surveys, questionnaires, interviews and talking to people individually are all included in the primary research. So, when you want to make a research about a particular topic for example; drinking alcohol, you can start off by creating a survey or a questionnaire that you’ve created yourself and introduce it to people to receive feedback. The feedback that you received is your primary research. It’s the research that you have made yourself with your very own ways and questions.


What is Secondary Research?


Secondary research is the research that has been collected by someone else. Secondary sources of data for common social sciences include surveys, organizational records, and data collected through qualitative methods or qualitative research. Sometimes it can be much easier to make a secondary research because you basically look at different types of resources such as books, magazines, newspapers, internet, videos to find out information about a specific topic or topics. Finding out the information using different resources gives you more ideas of how to make a proper research. When you find out the information you need on whatever resource you have used, you can summarise and analyze it to suck the information into your brain properly. This is called secondary research.


Comparing Primary and Secondary Research

Primary research advantages and disadvantages: There are advantages of the primary research course for example; Using primary research sources is much more accurate in terms of information reliability. Also, you can find the targeted issue much easier, you can have better control over the research and the issue and you will also receive more accurate feedback that you can trust and rely on because the feedback that you receive is from your very own experiences.


Secondary research advantages and disadvantages: Secondary research sources are sources of information derived from primary research sources. The disadvantage of secondary research is that not every secondary research source is reliable. It is important to investigate the correctness and consistency of the information contained. The advantage of secondary research is that you can access the information you want much faster. Another advantage is that you can reach more information when you're doing the secondary research.








Definition of factual: something that's fact-based and contains true facts rather than random theories or personal interpretations. In the media, there are programmes which are based on true stories and on true people. These programmes are factual (fact-based) programmes that are non-fiction.


The list of the programmes that we can consider factual is for example; documentaries. However, it's different when it comes to historical documentaries because sometimes the historians might make their own personal interpretations and add their own theories to some events that happened in the past. Therefore some of the historical documentaries might be biased and intentional by presenting the wrong information to the audience.


The reason why we have factual programmes is the fact that it gives information and it educates people about a particular topic or an event. The information that's trying to be transferred needs to be proven and be fact-based, otherwise, we cannot consider these programmes as "factual". For example; to be able to make a short factual video on what young people are interested in, we need to make a deep research first in order to present the very best factual results. These results must be proven. Therefore, questionnaires and surveys can be a great way to back your point up because you've actually asked the targeted people what they're into. We can deliver these proven facts to our audience which will make our short video a "factual production".


The advantage of the factual productions is that you educate people by giving them information about whats going on around the world. For example; news and documentary programmes are the best examples of factual productions. However, there are also some disadvantages of these programmes. For example; privacy or being bias. This is a big issue with factual programming because some people might want to be free from the public's attention. When it comes to being biased well, this is another problem. As I've mentioned it before, you might come across some people being biased in news, documentaries or reality shows and this messes up the whole point of the program because of people giving their own interpretation and giving their own random theories about a specific topic or an event.




The films that I will be comparing:


The St. Valentine's Day Massacre (film)

Schindler's List (film)

Titanic (1997 film)


The St. Valentine's Day Massacre:

The St. Valentines Day Massacre is a film based on a true story of an Italian mafia called Al Capone shooting 7 people with the gun in one night. This incident actually happened in the past in Chicago in 1929. 


The good things about the film

Well, there are many good things about the film. For example, the storyline is actually based on a true story of an Italian mob in America during the prohibition era. It is an informative movie because it gives great examples of how it was like to live in The United States during the prohibition era. The movie is also quite dramatic and exciting.


The bad things about the film

There is a bit of exaggeration in the film. The movie is also a bit complicated so, you need to really pay attention to fully understand the story and the characters. The movie was meant to be set in 1920's however, with all the flashbacks in the movie, it looked like the movie was actually set in 1930's Chicago instead of 1920's.


Schindler's List:

Schindler's List is a masterpiece about Oskar Schindler (German industrialist, member of the Nazi party) who helped many Jews at Nazi Germany even though his party was extremely against the jews. It's about his story of how he started giving jobs to the jews in his factories and how he helps them out. The movie also shows the condition of the Jews in Nazi Germany. A real-life story from 1939. The film is broadcasted on 18 February 1994. 


The good things about the film

In my eyes, the film is a masterpiece. There are many good things about the film. The setting, the storyline (based on a true story) the actors and actresses etc. are all fitting in perfect int he movie. It shows the 1939's Nazi Germany. It really gives you that feeling when you're watching the movie. 


The bad thing about the film

Well, from my point of view there aren't many bad things about this film. However, the only thing that bothers me when I watch the film is the fact that the film is in black and white. This makes you feel like you're living in that time when you're watching the film, but sometimes I get bored always seeing the screen black and white.



Titanic is a film that's based on a real event but not on a real-life story. The sinking of the ship is real, but the storyline that's in the film came out of imagination. The ship had sunk on 14 April 1912 by hitting the iceberg in the Atlantic ocean. There was between 1490 to 1635 deaths because of the accident. Many of them have either drowned or dead because of the cold temperature. So, the film shows the accident and also takes the subject of two young lovers. This fil brings Titanic back to life by showing the factual events.


The good things about the film

There are many good things about the film. For example; the setting was great. When you watch the film, you get a good understanding of life in 1912s. The costumes that the people were wearing and the way they were speaking was also suitable for the time frame that they were living in. The storyline was really good as well as the quality of the film. 


The bad things about the film

There aren't many bad things about the film but, personally I do not like the Jack and Rose deal in the film. Also the fact that they've used extremely sexual scenes in the film. The fact that the age limitation for the film is 13+ and the fact that there are extreme sexual scenes makes me worried. I do not think that the film can be watched by the 13-year-olds. They've should have put the age limitation up higher or they should not have used those sex scenes. These are the bad things that I can say about the film Titanic.





I will be analyzing my Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats while completing the factual production unit.



  • While completing this unit my strengths are; I have an experience for units like this from level 2.

  • I know how to do primary and secondary research

  • I know how to analyze and evaluate my work

  • I know how to use the camera and the microphone

  • This is a unit that I would enjoy doing



  • My weaknesses are; even though I know how to use the camera, I'm not good at how to choose angles and shots

  • Sometimes I get the work mixed up

  • The theory work is good but when it comes to the practical work I feel like I'm not doing good enough



  • My opportunities are; we have teachers to help us complete this unit

  • I can also get help from my friends

  • I have access to computers and the internet to improve my research



  • My weaknesses are; my editing skills are not good enough

  • The camera might not save the work I've done

  • My work might not be good enough




What will the factual production be and where will it be seen?


What will the factual production be?


The factual Production that I will be making will be a video between 30-60 seconds. In that video, I will be giving information about the violent video games. The audience that I will be aiming at will be 16 years old. The information that I will be giving is going to be the effects of violent video games that children might have when they're playing those video games. I might also talk about some of the violent video game influenced crimes and murders (as there are plenty out there). The information that I will be giving in my video will be the facts that I will find by researching. When I will be doing my research I will be careful the information I find out is not false. I will be taking great care of my work at that stage. I'm the one who is going to be talking in the video. My friend will help me while trying film my video. After the filming, I will start editing the video by choosing the right effects, level of volume and music. I'm hoping that the video I will make will help me to complete this task properly. I will do as much as I can to make the video be suitable for the 16-year-old audience. 


Where will it be seen?


The video that I will be shooting will be in one of the studios of the college or in a quiet room where there is no sound or noise. I'm not too sure if I should just show my face or my whole body while filming the video. I still need to make my decision about that. When it comes to where I will put my video. Well, the answer is I'm planning to put the video up on YouTube for other people to see it. 




3 Ideas For 16-Year-Olds’ Interests



v MAKE-UP – For girls mostly

v VIDEO GAMES- such as Grand Theft Auto, Fifa, Call of Duty, etc.


 Here are the mind maps of these ideas

Mind Map for Netflix
Mind Map for Make-up
Mind Map for Video Games



EXPLAIN WHY YOU HAVE CHOSEN THOSE IDEAS – inform, educate, entertain, provide a service


Comparing  All 3 of The Ideas (Netflix, Make-up, Video Games)


  Netflix was the first idea that came up to my mind when Netflix: Television was thinking about the content of the video that I was going to make. The reason why I thought about making the video about Netflix was the fact that I know many teenagers who love watching Netflix on their phones, Iand other electronic items. In fact, teenagers are not the only ones who watch films and another type of entertainment on Netflix there are many people from different age groups who also find it entertaining as well, which is the reason why it is quite popular in these days among the teenagers especially. So, I thought it would be a creative idea to talk about Netflix in my video. However, I had to put the Netflix idea aside as I had to come up with 3 ideas. My Netflix idea was going to stay as one of the alternatives. So, the good thing about the Netflix idea is its rich programs that full of joy and entertainment. It almost addresses to everyone from different ages groups with its variety of movies (with different genres), tv programs, tv series, documentaries, cartoons, animations and reality shows. Also, there is no gender for Netflix, everyone can watch, so I don't need to refer my Netflix to any type of gender, because it's literally for everyone.It has some programs and movies from different counties also. This makes Netflix one my best ideas. In total there are 14,835 titles which include movies, tv shows, documentaries etc. on Netflix. 


years old because of the amount of extreme make-up they put on their faces. Also, when we make some research on the social media we come across so many videos photos and other stuff that shows make-up tricks and styles for girls. Especially the videos on YouTube (make-up tutorials) are the best ones of them all. Obviously, not only the teenagers watch them videos but when we look at the people who make such videos tend to be younger people. So, what makes this make-up idea good and my second best is the fact that many girls are interested in it.ravel and tourism in college tend to put an extreme amount of faces, therefore sometimes when you see the state of them, you would not call them 16 or 18 Make-up: Make-up was the second idea that came up to my mind when I was thinking about more ideas for my short video that I'm going to create. What's good about the make-up is the fact that most girls get familiar with it at the early age. As soon as they hit year 8 in the secondary school they start putting make-up on their faces (some of them start even at year 7). These teenager girls especially (the ones who are 16 and over) when they first start college, they tend to feel much older than they are and they try to act like more like an adult. Especially, when we look at the girls who study on their make-up


Video Games: Video games idea was the last and the best idea that came up to my mind. What makes this idea my very best is the fact that there are so many people especially young teenager boys who are interested in it. There are many teenage boys out there who love playing video games. Sometimes they get very addicted to it which causes a messed-up sleeping pattern in their lives. There are so many advertisements, so many videos (on YouTube) that attracts the attention of the audience. There are even videos on YouTube that show people playing video games for hours and seeing their reactions. These type of videos are very popular and therefore the people that make such videos become millionaires (thanks to those kids and teenagers who watch it). It sounds very rubbish but it is another way to make money so why not? So, as well as watching these videos, playing games on Xbox, PlayStation, Wii etc. is also very common among these teenagers and some other people. Few of the most popular games these teenagers play are Grand Theft Auto (GTA), FIFA, Call of Duty and World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). No matter how dangerous some of these video games can be, it still gets distributed around the world and is played by millions of people. Teenagers and young adults tend to fall into that trick very easily and they're willing to pay around £50 or even more or less only for these video games. So I choose to do my video about video games because I think I have a lot of information about this topic and I wanted to try something different. Many girls might want to go for make-up if they had these three ideas but I would like to go for something that I  have never been interested in and make a good research about it to learn new stuff.




I have created a questionnaire to receive feedback from the target audience for the video that I'm going to make. The feedback that I will receive from my questionnaire will help me to understand and identify what the audience (16 years old's) think about the video games. This feedback will have a reflection on the video that I'm going to make because I will talk about what the audience really wants to hear and I will try to make a short persuasive speech in my video about the video games. I have asked 10 people (teenagers) about what they think of the video games and here is my analysis of the feedback that I have received.



Do you Play video games? This is the first question that I have asked in my questionnaire.


















These are the answers that I have received for my first question. As we can see in the picture above, most people (50%=5)  have answered 'Yes' tot his question. This obviously shows that many of the teenagers in these days are quite interested in playing video games. I think there are many reasons and factors why many of thee people have answered yes to this question. Obviously, the reasons vary for each person. For example, they might like to play video games because they find it fun, because they have nothing to do (they might think they have nothing to do) or they like wasting their time playing these video games. However we can also see that 3 people (30%=3) have answered 'sometimes' to the question I have asked. This shows that these people don't play the video games as often as the people who answered 'yes'. The people who answered 'sometimes' find more stuff to do other than playing video games in my opinion, because when you say sometimes, it means you don't really play it often, but when you say yes, it appears that playing video games is part of your daily life. However, we also have some people who turned out to have nothing to do with thee video games too. As we see it in the image above, 2 out of 10 people (20%-=2) have answered either 'no' or 'never' to my question. The person who said no to this questions seems to make it a bit clear that he or she does not like to play these video games. However, the person who answer never to this question, makes it absolutely clear that he/she has nothing to do with playing video games. The answer appears to be harsh and sharper than any of the answers given by other people on this question. The people who gave negative answers to this question clearly have more stuff to do like going out with friends or doing homework as most of them are 15-16 year olds.



Do you like playing video games? This is the second question that I have asked for my questionnaire. 


















These are the answers that I have received for my second question on my survey. As we can see it in the image above, most people (80%=8) have answered 'Yes' to this question. This shows that many people actually enjoy the video games. In the first question, there were only 5 people who gave a definite answer saying 'yes' the question. The people who answered 'sometimes' to the first question have given a definite answer to the second question which is 'yes'. But may be this is because there are 2 answers that they can give 'yes' or 'no' which both of them are definite and sharp answers. May be if I have given one more choice like 'may be' or 'sometimes' the people who answered 'sometimes' in the first question might have answered 'may be' or 'sometimes' on the second question as well. Well anyway, as we can see many people have answered yes to the second question. This means most people who play games, actually enjoy playing games. Obviously it depends on the type of video games they play, because not all people play the same games. For example, some of these people might like playing GTA but not WWE. So just because they have answered 'yes' to this question does mean they like playing any game that's out there. People are all unique and different, so I don't take these answers all the same even though they appear to be the same. Just like we see people answering 'yes' to this question, we also see minority of people (2 people, 20%=2) answering no to this question. It's obvious that these two people are the people who answered 'no' and 'never' in question 1. For some people it can be hard to understand why these 2 people said no in this question. Well, its very clear that there are different things out there which they enjoy or they are completely against the video games. 




Do you think the video games on the market are good? This is the third question that I have asked in my questionnaire. 


















 These are the answers that I have received for my third question. The image above shows the information that I need to analyse. As we can see most people have answered as  'some of them are' to the question 'Do you think the video games on the market are good?' . This clearly means that many people think that only some of the games on the market are good enough for them. This is their point of view. Actually, the question that I have asked is generalised question because, I did not ask about a particular game on the market, I have generalised the question and therefore I receive these kind of feedbacks from people. The people who answered 'sometimes' to this question might not have been satisfied with the games they already have or the games on the market, but this is obviously something that the people who are in game business needs to think about. I cannot do or say anything about this. What I can do is that I can look for the reason why people are not really satisfied or not like all the games on the market. From my point of view the reasons are quite obvious. As I have mentioned before, not all people are the same, we all have different view points, different stuff that we enjoy and different tastes on everything. Therefore, these people cannot be classed as picky people just because they don't think all the games on the market are good. However, when we say this, a question starts to come up to my mind. The question that comes up to my mind is that 'did those people who thinks only some of the games are good did really play all the games on the market, or are they just being prejudice?' This is a question that I can't really answer as there could be many reasons behind it. For example, they might have heard from people that some games are good, some games are bad. However, I still think there is a little bit of prejudice behind these answers. Anyway, I also have 3 people (30%=3) answering 'yes' to my question. These people obviously think that the games on the market are all good. The thing I don't get with this is the fact that how they know all the games on the market are good? Did they play every game thats out there? May be they did even though it appears to be a bit impossible. I think the people who answered 'yes' to this question are quite optimistic or they don't want to sound nasty (even though its not nasty when you say no). But obviously there is a wide group of people who likes playing those games. There is only 1 person (10%=1) answering 'No' to my question in the survey. This person seems like he/she don't like anything to do with video games and I'm guessing that he/she is the person who answered 'never' in question one.




Do you think playing video games are waste of time? This is the fourth question that I have asked in my questionnaire.



















These are the answers that I have received from the question that I have asked. To be honest, this was a very straight forward question but I still wanted to put choice like 'Not really' and 'They can be sometimes' other than just putting 'yes' or 'no'. The reason why I put the other options as well was the fact that I knew not many people would think it's a waste of time completely. As we can see it in the screenshot above, 5 people (50%=5) have answered as 'they can be sometimes' tot his question. This obviously shows that these people do not totally agree or disagree with the video games are complete waste of time. However, these responses are a bit surprising because on question 2 8 out of 10 people have said that they like playing video games and these responses obviously show that even though many of them like playing video games, they still find its a little bit of waste of time to play video games sometimes. This is also nice to hear as well because they obviously know, they're a little bit far from thinking that playing games are waste of time. Unlike the people who admit that it can be waste of time sometimes even though they play it, these two people who think it's not really a waste of time are far away from agreeing with the statement and they seem to think that it's not exactly waste of time. There are also 2 people (20%=2) who said 'yes' to this question. So they clearly think that playing video games is waste of time. They make it very clear without any doubt that video games are waste of time and shouldn't exist, or people should not play on it. When I was asking this question I seriously did not think that there will be a person who will actually say 'no' Well that it can be a waste of time sometimes. We also see 2 people (20%=2) answering ' not really' to this question. tot his question. But, as we can see in the screenshot above, 1 person (10%=1) totally disagrees with the question that I have asked. This person makes it very clear that it's not waste of time at all as he/she answered 'no' straight away. We need to respect every person's opinion.



Do you think video games can be dangerous for young people? This was the fifth question that I have asked in my questionnaire.


















These are the answers that I have received from the question I have asked. Actually, I can say that I'm quite happy and surprised with the feedback that I have received on this question. There is not a single person who answered 'no' to this question and this shows that even many of these guys play those video games, they're still aware of the fact that it can be dangerous for them sometimes. In my opinion the results on this question are not too bad. We can see that 2 people (20%=2) have answered 'yes' to this question which I think these are the people who answered 'no' and 'never' on the first question I have asked on my questionnaire. So these 2 people think that video games are dangerous for young people without any doubt. It is actually surprising to see 15/16 year olds thinking video games are dangerous for them, we don't really get young people thinking like that. Well, obviously there are still some young people even though there are very few, think that video games in general are dangerous. I can also see that 5 people (50%=5) have answered as 'some of them can be' to this question. So I' m guessing that it was the people who actually play games. it seems that they're still aware of the fact that some video games can be dangerous for them. But they don't totally agree with the question as they say that only some of them are dangerous. in our minds when we hear the word dangerous, we always think about violence, war, etc. and they probably thought about the games that are about wars or fighting thinking that these are the dangerous video games for young people. There are 3 people (30%=3) answered as 'not all of them' to this question which is nearly as same as saying 'some of them can be'. However, I think saying ' not all of them are' is a bit more close to saying that videos games are not that dangerous than saying 'some of them can be'. We can see that even young people are aware of the fact that it can be dangerous for them sometimes, which is a good thing to hear.



What do you play your video games on? This is the sixth (first open question) I have asked on my questionnaire.

















These are the answers that I have received for my sixth question. To be honest I'm not really surprised with the feedback I received as I know that Ps and and Xbox is really popular. As we can see at the screenshot above, this is an open question, so the answers I receive can vary and still refer to the same thing. For example, 3 people (30%=3) have said that they use 'PS', 2 people said 'PS4' and another person said 'Play Station 4'. So even though they put it in a different way, it all means the same thing, in total 6 people play their games on Play Station (which is a really popular device that people use to play their video games). The reason why most people said PlayStation could be the fact Play Station came out before the Xbox and it became more popular throughout the time. Most people got used to PS and therefore they might not want to change the device that they're using. May be Xbox providers are not very good at presenting and advertising their product. As we can see 2 people (20%=2) have said that they play video games on Xbox. From these answers we can guess that Xbox is not as popular as Play Station. We have1 person (10%=1) answering this question by saying 'I don't' which means that they don't play video games on any of the devices because they don't actually play video games. Lastly, there is also 1 person (10%=1) answering the question by saying 'nothing' which is a really straight forward answer meaning that they don't play games at all. Most of the answers have been put in a different way but in some ways most of them mean to say the same thing.



Can you list the video games that you like the most if you're playing any video games? This is the seventh question that I have asked on my questionnaire. 






















These are the answers that I have received for this question. Again I must admit that I'm not surprised with the answers. The answers ifa, GTA and WWE', sixth person have said 'GTA or WWE usually', seventh person have said 'Call of Duty, Resident Evil', eighth person have said 'The lost Legacy or GTA', ninth person have said 'No' and the tenth person have said 'GTA, Fifa, Call of Duty, WWE'. So, if we want to summarise all this up we would end up with 6 people playing GTA, 4 people playing Call of Duty, 4 people playing WWE, 4 people playing FIFA, 2 people playing PES, 1 person playing resident evil, 1 person playing Lost Legacy. As we can see the most popular video game that people play is GTA. This shows us something not very legal is going around because GTA is rated for people who are at the age of 18 or over. So, even though most of these people are 16, they still play the GTA video games. The second popular games within the group of people I have asked are Call of Duty and WWE which are  both played by 4 people (in total 8). Well, Call of Duty and WWE video games contain some violence in them, but these youngsters are still playing it even though many of them think that it can be dangerous for them. The thing is, the age limit for WWE is 13 and over which I strongly disagree with. This is because WWE is actually live sports program that shows everything but sports. Making the video game for this kind of show and putting the age limit 13 is not a good idea in my opinion because, it contains so much violence that a 13 year old cannot handle. We can also say that Fifa is also a second best out of these games, because it is also played by 4 people. In my opinion Fifa is not as bad as WWE because it definitely has more sports activities and less violence than WWE. PES is the third best game as only 2 people play this game. PES and Fifa are quite similar and they are all about football. Resident evil is played by 1 person and it contains a lot of violence for a 16 year old. The age limit for this game is 18 and over but obviously it is being played by some younger people too. The video game Lost Legacy is being played by 1 person as well. The age limit for this game is 14 and over which means that the person who answered that is not doing something illegal. As we have people that play video games, we also have some people who does not play video games at all. For example 2 people out of 10 do not play any video games which shows that they are not interested in these type of things at all.seems to vary but it seems like most play play the same video games. The first person answered the question by saying 'Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty, WWE and Fifa'. The second person have said 'Fifa, GTA, third person have said 'Call of Duty and PES', fourth person have said 'No because I don't play games', fifth person have said 'PES,F




Why do you play video games? This is the eighth question that I have asked for my questionnaire.





















These are the answers that I have received for this question. Most of the answers seem to be the same but have been put in a different way. 7 out of 10 people (70%=7) have mentioned the word "fun" in their answers. This is not very shocking actually, because most people play video games because its fun, they're bored or they're addicted. The results actually show that most teenagers are looking for something that will entertain them, playing video games seems to be one of the things that entertain them little bit. 1 out of them 10 people have mentioned in their sentence " Because I think they are fun and I don't realise how the time goes while playing it'. This shows that some teenagers are just looking for a way to spend time and have entertainment. 1 out of 10 people have said 'I don't know'. This means they don't even know why they're playing video games. 2 out of 10 people have mentioned that they don't play video games. however, as we can see in the feedback that I have received, it shows that many teenagers do play games and the most common reason for it they say 'it's fun'! 



When do you usually play feel like playing video games? This is the ninth question that I have asked for my questionnaire.





















When I'm bored and have nothing to These are the answers that I have received for this question. 4 out of 10 people (40%=4) have mentioned in their answer that they play video games when they're bored. 'do', 'When I'm bored', 'When I'm feeling bored at home', 'When I'm home and bored'. 2 out of 10 people (20%=2) have answered this question by saying 'never'. This means they never play video games. 4 out of 10 people (40%=4) have given different answers to this question. ' Few times a week when I feel like it', 'Most of the time when I'm home', 'At home after I eat or before I go sleep', 'Whenever'. This means 8 out of 10 of these people play games. Half of these people who play games (4 out of 8) play games when they;'re feeling bored and the other half of these people who play games have given different answers to this question. 



What's so interesting about video games that you play? This the tenth and the last question that I have asked for my questionnaire.






















'. This means the reason why they think video games are interesting is its fun to play with these are the answers that I have received on this question. 2 out of 10 people (20%=2) have said that 'because they are fun, which is actually true because they can be fun to play with sometimes. 2 out of 10 people (20%=2) have answered this question by saying 'Nothing'. These are the people who don't play video games at all. 1 person out of 10 people (10%=1) have said 'They are entertaining'. This person thinks that video games are entertaining and that's why he/she finds the video games interesting. 1 out of 10 people (10%=1) have given the answer 'It just is'. To be honest, the answer that this person has given is very meaningless, they don't even know why the video games that they're playing is interesting for them. 2 out of 10 people (20%=2) have said that 'it's like real life'. This answer is really interesting. 1 out of 10 people (10%=1) have given the answer 'I don't know but sometimes I release stress when playing it'. Releasing stress while playing video games is a bit weird because you usually get people going mental while playing video games in the fear of losing or not being able to complete tasks properly. Lastly, 1 out of 10 people (10%=1) have mentioned in their answer 'You can chat with your friends on it too'. The person who gave this answer must be very social and likes to communicate with people as it's an interesting factor for him/her.






I have analyzed my primary research. In my secondary research, I'm planning to go deeper and make research about violent video games. I will be finding out information on the internet about violent video games and find out what people think of them. I will then analyze the information that I have found in order to give my own point of view about the topic. I'm planning to make some research about the surveys that have been done on the internet about violent video games and then I will start to look at some videos on YouTube to look at the comments under these videos. Here is the first information (survey) that I have found about violent video games on the internet;


Do you think violent video games (yes) or violent parents (no) cause This is a survey question on the internet and here is the link to it; behavior problems in children?


The question is pretty obvious and straightforward. It is basically asking is it the violent video games or the violent parents who cause behavior problems in children. So in this survey people have 1 choice to make out of 2. However, the answers are open for this survey so that people can give their answers in detail in order to explain their answer. (YES) stands for video games, (NO) stands for parents. So, let's have a look what people have said about this question. 


Here is the screenshot of their answer 8 people have answered this question and gave their reasons for their answer. 1 out of 8 people; have said yes (meaning that it is the video games that cause violent behaviors in children.

























As we see in the screenshot above, the person who has given this answer to this survey question seems to be agreeing on that it is the video games that cause behaviour problems in children. This person has also given reasons why he/she thinks that it is the video game. One and the most important reason that this person has given is the fact that 'violent video games cause behaviour problems because they show kids or teens that it's okay to do bad things like stealing and killing'. Which I think is true because, in many violent video games there is killing, guns, and war which is not acceptable for kids and teens.


As well as some people said yes, others (majority) have given the answer no to this survey question. The ones that said no basically trying to say that it is parents' fault when the child has behavior problems, not the video games' fault. Here are the screenshots of those answers;


























As we see it above, most people have said 'No' to this question on the survey. Many people who answered this question think that it is the violent parents who cause behaviour problems in children. This could be true. However, my point of view on this topic is, I think that it is the violent video games and violent parents that cause this problem in children. I cannot just blame the violent video games or the violent parents. Both of these things are a great factor for the behaviour problems that can be caused in children. Both of these factors have effects on a child's behaviour. however, as we see it above, most people have blamed the parents (which is also true) but I think they should of talked about the effects of violent video games as well.



My point of view on this topic is that I believe violent video games could lead to behaviour problems, even worst a crime. Here is an example from news on Google about a teen gang that have robbed and physically and brutally harmed people; the link of the website . Here are some of the screenshots that I have taken with from the website about this incident;









In the screenshot above it gives information about the incident and how and why everything have started. From the information that has been given, we can understand that these teens were affected by the violent video game called "Grand Theft Auto". The vide game involves violent acts like killing, robbing, hitting and harming. The affects of such actions like this on children and teens (especially if they have problems in their life or in their family) is not going to be very pleasant. Of course, these type of incidents don;t always happen because of violent video games, but obviously, sometimes it can happen exactly because of a violent video games. We can see the example of it at the screenshot above.




















The screenshot above is from the same website that has broadcasted the news. As it says it in the screenshot above, the reason why for their action was because they were bored. From this statement, we can understand these teenagers are not normal in their heads. Because, when a person is bored, the things that would normally do is that they may watch Tv, go swimming, watch a movie etc. But, when a person is bored, they wouldn't go around and terrorize people, thinking that it's fun. This clearly shows that these teenagers are nor normal. What has made them become like this? We do not know do exact reason why but we definitely know that the violent video game that they play "Grand Auto Theft" have affected their actions. We see that these teenagers have done all the things that in the game; robbery, harming, terrorizing (apart from killing).  We can see that the effects of violent video games can be severe on some children and teenagers. 





1. Right after playing violent video games, young children are more likely to demonstrate physical aggression in a free play environment. This is a short-term effect.
2. When there is an effect, compared to girls, boys appear to be more affected by violence in video games.
3. If a study on video game violence is conducted in a highly controlled laboratory environment (as compared to studies in a more natural environment) it is more likely to find that the violence is harmful to the player.
4. There is very little support for the theory that video game violence causes adults to become more aggressive or violent in real life.
5. Rather than exposure to violence in video games, a person's natural level of aggression (trait aggression) is a superior predictor of future violent behaviors. 
6. There may be a publishing bias in favor of studies highlighting the harmful effects of video game violence (compared to those that do not find a negative impact).
7. Violence in video games does appear to affect the level of a player's physiological arousal (e.g., brain activity, breathing and heart rate, and galvanic skin response).
8. Those who are naturally more aggressive, angry, or violent are more attracted to violent video games. The connection between violence in video games is not necessarily unidirectional. 
9. The majority of gamers believe that video game violence has few if any harmful effects on them personally.
10. Compared to violence in video games, repeated exposure to television violence may actually be more harmful to children.

Above there is a graph that shows the percentage of students who gets involved in physical fights depending on how much violent games they play. As we can see the amount of high violent game players involved in more physical fights. The number of students who play more violent video games reach up to 60% which is not very surprising at all. 

The number of students who don't play too much video games is of course not getting in physical as much as the ones who play those video games a lot. This graph helps us to see what the violent video games are doing to people (especially children and teenagers). 

One of the worst video games that I think has a major effect on children and teenagers is Wrestling games (WWE). Well, WWE is a worldwide entertainment show that shows on Televisions. It contains a lot of violence even though its considered to be sports activity.


It can sometimes result in serious injuries. The problem with this program is the fact that the company is trying to persuade people especially which of moves they see in the program, it seems that some people are not taking this warning into consideration this kind even though before the start of the show, they warn people not to try shildren and teens to buy their special WWE video games, the little figure of the wrestlers in the program and the outfits and different toys. In my opinion these kind of things taht are being pushed onto the people in the sake of money are not affecting people in a very good way especially the children and teens who buy those games and toys re not likely to have the mind of a healthy person if they get involved in this kind of violent programs. 

There are many videos on Youtube and other websites that show how the children are affected by his program. I have found a video on youtube (only one of the videos out of 100's similar) that shows 2 children trying to do wrestling like the real professional wrestlers. I wonder what their parents think when they're fighting and trying out the very dangerous moves that can harm and injure people severely. Here is the link to the video;

The action figures of the wrestlers on the market for children and teens to buy. We shouldn't be surprised to see a 16-year old buying these action figures, toys, belts and the WWE video games because they actually do along with millions of kids buying them.



I have completed my primary and secondary research. The reason why I have done this research was to find out what other people think about violent video games and its effects on teens and children. The feedback that I have received from my primary research was good and I have done a good analyzation of the research. I have understood people's feelings about this topic and this primary research is going to have an effect on my work. I will be taking into consideration of what people have said and will create my video in that kind of way where it will be very factual and informative for 16 year olds. 

The secondary research was also very helpful and it will have an effect on what I will talk about in my factual video. I have found a good amount of information about the violent video game effects on teens and children which will be very useful when it comes to my video. I'm hoping to create my video in a way that will be useful for 16-year-olds to understand the effects of video games on them. 

My Proposal

In the video that I'm going to make, I will be talking about all the information  that I found and analysed. the information that I've found is going to be very useful when I create my video. I will be creating my video within the border of the college campus. I will be be as descriptive as possible to deliver my message properly. I want to use different effects in the video that I'm going to make. Well, I will be shooting the video with the camera that I will borrow from college and will be shooting the video in  a editing suit or somewhere else in the college campus. I will be having a story board for the video that I'm going to create and I will also be having my video script which outlines the things that I'm going to talk about in my video. I'm thinking that 30 seconds for a factual video is not very long so I might go up the time limit. I'm not going go i too much detail in my video but I want to be descriptive so that I can share the information I gathered properly. I hope that my video will be a good piece of work. 

My Script

There is a script that I have to create for the video thatI'm going to make. The script will help me to remember the stuff that I need to talk about in my video. In the script, I will be talking about all the information that I have learned and gathered from internet and other sources. Here is the script that I will use in my video;

Hello good people this is Sena; 

Today I'm going to give you information about the violent video games which children and 16 year old teenagers should pay attention to. I hope this will help you to understand what you're doing to yourself when you play those violent video games that you love to play.

-First things first, there is a high probability that violent video games can affect you psychology and the way that your'e thinking. So basically, it can affect your heart rate, your brain activity and your skin response. Your body will not be able to function properly when you play those violent video games because they're very likely to affect you in the worst way possible. 

Fact number 2: Did you know that people who play violent video games are more likely to present violent behaviour in their daily lives. Yes. that is true, even tough this is a short term affect, you guys and especially the people around you are under a big threat.

Fact number 3:Most people who play violent video games tend to think that, the games don't have any affect on them what so ever. However, most of the time this is not true, even though you think that you're not affected, your brain and body is still affected in some ways.

Fact number 4: Did you know that boys who play violent video games are more likely to demonstrate violent behaviour in the public than to girls who play the same video games. The reason behind this fact is not very clear but the studies show that boys appear to become more affected and violent because of these video games.

Fact number 5: The affects of violent video games can have more severe affects on children and youngsters than in adults. 

Fact number 6: People who are naturally angry and violent are more likely to be attracted to violent video games. There is a risk of them becoming more violent because of this reason.

My Story Board

Here is the story board that I've drawn for my video. I have 4 shots and in every shot I'm basically saying hello, talking through the topic and saying bye. It's me just sitting there and talking. This was the best that I could do for my video because I will only be sitting down talking in the video.



I have completed this project and uploaded my video on Youtube successfully. However, I have been through few problems while editing my video. For example, my final video is not edited the way that I wanted it to be. I wanted to use more effects to make the video look more interesting but unfortunately I couldn't. I would have if I knew how to use the premier pro very well. I would have been more successful in this project. However, this is my final product. Another thing that I'm not happy with my video is the fact that, the volume of the music I've used in my video is a bit high which I didn't realize while editing it. You can still hear my voice clearly but I should have put the volume down of the music that I've used just to make it more professional.  Everything else is fine in my opinion. I'm happy with my theory work. I did not face any kind of problems with my theory work which is good.

In the future, I want to create videos that are more professional, but I need to learn how to use the premier pro professionally to do that. otherwise, I don;t think I'll be able to create the kind of videos that I dream of. I really like editing, but the thing that puts me off sometimes is the fact that my editing skills are  not good enough to create professional videos. However, I will try my best to make my videos look professional.

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