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First Questions

Q.  What is 180 degrees rule?

One of the most important points in film shooting is to ensure the continuity of the film space and try to stick to a technique known as a 180 degree rule. According to the 180 degree rule, the imaginary line (axle) assumed to pass through the middle of the two players should not be exceeded. 180 degree rule is an imaginary line considered to be between two objects during shooting. It is also a camera angle. The camera must move at most 180 degrees around the captured object. If this is exceeded by 180 degrees, there is a situation called axle break or axle jump in the scene. 

                                                                                                  Example of 180 degrees rule
















Q2. What is an eye line match?

Eye line match is an editing technique when editing films. Its quite similar to the shot reverse shot as eye line refers to the path of the looking eye. This technique depends on what the audience wants to see for example; when the character on the camera looking at something, the audience would want to know what the character is viewing. Therefore, the camera starts showing the object (or whatever the character is looking at) that the character viewing so that the audience can use the characters eyes as their eyes and see exactly what the character is seeing. 



                                                                                                Example of eye line editing


Q3. Match on action?

Match on action is a video editing technique that is used in all the movies and many other Tv programmes. It is a technique where the editor cuts from one shot to another shot to show the scene from different perspectives and views. The same and action is still being continued but the editor shows this action being carried on from different view points which makes the scene even more interesting. 


                                                                                        Example of match on action


Q4. What is Rhythmic match?

Rhythmic editing is when the shots in the movie function together to control the film pace. This has different effects on the movie. The physical length of the shots and the duration of the scene create an equal length in the scene which creates a metrical beat and pace. Shots that has long duration can lower the tempo of the scene where the shots with short durations create a fast tempo. 



  Example of rhythmic match


Q5. What is  Graphic match?

Graphic editing is where variety of colours, lines, depths, volumes and movements join together to catch a similarity between scenes. In graphic editing you are free to use your imagination and free from space and time. Films with graphic editing can have absurd contrast.


                                                                                                        Example of graphic match     



My first poem is by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

The Little White Hearse by Ella Wheeler Wilcox


Somebody’s baby was buried to-day— 

      The empty white hearse from the grave rumbled back, 

And the morning somehow seemed less smiling and gay 

      As I paused on the walk while it crossed on its way, 

And a shadow seemed drawn o’er the sun’s golden track. 


Somebody’s baby was laid out to rest, 

      White as a snowdrop, and fair to behold, 

And the soft little hands were crossed over the breast, 

      And those hands and the lips and the eyelids were pressed 

With kisses as hot as the eyelids were cold. 


Somebody saw it go out of her sight, 

      Under the coffin lid—out through the door; 

Somebody finds only darkness and blight 

      All through the glory of summer-sun light; 

Somebody’s baby will waken no more. 


Somebody’s sorrow is making me weep: 

      I know not her name, but I echo her cry, 

For the dearly bought baby she longed so to keep, 

      The baby that rode to its long-lasting sleep 

In the little white hearse that went rumbling by. 


I know not her name, but her sorrow I know; 

      While I paused on the crossing I lived it once more, 

And back to my heart surged that river of woe 

      That but in the breast of a mother can flow; 

For the little white hearse has been, too, at my door.

My second poem is by William Shakespeare 


All The World's A Stage by William Shakespeare

All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages. At first, the infant,
Mewling and puking in the nurse's arms.
Then the whining schoolboy, with his satchel
And shining morning face, creeping like snail
Unwillingly to school. And then the lover,
Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad
Made to his mistress' eyebrow. Then a soldier,
Full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard,
Jealous in honor, sudden and quick in quarrel,
Seeking the bubble reputation
Even in the cannon's mouth. And then the justice,
In fair round belly with good capon lined,
With eyes severe and beard of formal cut,
Full of wise saws and modern instances;
And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts
Into the lean and slippered pantaloon,
With spectacles on nose and pouch on side;
His youthful hose, well saved, a world too wide
For his shrunk shank, and his big manly voice,
Turning again toward childish treble, pipes
And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all,
That ends this strange eventful history,
Is second childishness and mere oblivion,
Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.

My third poem is by Maya Angelou


I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou

The free bird leaps
on the back of the wind
and floats downstream
till the current ends
and dips his wings
in the orange sun rays
and dares to claim the sky....
But a bird that stalks
down his narrow cage
can seldom see through
his bars of rage
his wings are clipped and
his feet are tied
so he opens his throat to sing....
The caged bird sings
with fearful trill
of the things unknown
but longed for still
and his tune is heard
on the distant hill for the caged bird
sings of freedom....
The free bird thinks of another breeze
and the trade winds soft through the sighing trees
and the fat worms waiting on a dawn-bright lawn
and he names the sky his own....
But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams
his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream
his wings are clipped and his feet are tied
so he opens his throat to sing....
The caged bird sings
with a fearful trill
of things unknown
but longed for still
and his tune is heard
on the distant hill
for the caged bird
sings of freedom....



Mind Map Number 2: All the World's a Stage by William Shakespeare

Mind Map Number 3: I know why the caged bird sings by Maya Angelou


Poem Number 1: The Little White Hearse by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

The poem "the little white hearse" is about the death of a baby. In the poem the poet is giving me the feeling that she has been through that pain as a mother. She tries to create an empathy or she actually experienced the same thing which is loosing your baby as a mother. The poem is actually quite touching and very sad. While I was reading the poem, I could not understand but imagine what kind of pain it is to loose your child. The poet tries to explain all the feelings that you can feel when your child is dead and I think the poem is a very successful poem that awakens your mercy. Here is a line from the poem that describes the relationship between the poet and the imaginary mother in the poem

"I know not her name, but her sorrow I know;". From this line we can understand that the poet is either creating empathy or she have been through the same pain and experienced the same situation. While reading through this poem, it's impossible for me to not have tears in my eyes as I'm a very emotional person. Especially when it comes to events like this (death of a baby). This poem is really interesting for me as it awakens the motherly feelings in my heart eve though I've never had a child. I might be focusing on this poem when I get to do my project.

Poem Number 2: All the World's a Stage by William Shakespeare


The poem "all the world's a stage" is one of the most famous poems in the world, written by the world's most famous play writer and poet William Shakespeare. when I was making my research for poems, I wanted to have the best ones I can find and at that point William Shakespeare's poems came up to my mind. I've heard of this poem before so it wasn't really hard to find it again. I find this poem very interesting and what makes it interesting for me is that fact that it summarises up the whole life of many of the people (men) in the world. The poem is talking about the stages that most men go through in their life time (I can't say all men because, what about the men in those uncivilised tribes that live in amazon rainforests, I'm sure that they're not able to go to school or join the army). William Shakespeare have summarised the life of the men in few lines but I think it's very routine. When I read the poem, I start to question myself, then what's the point in life? Therefore I don't like reading this poem as it pushes into an empty space where I wonder around unknowingly. So, for Shakespeare the role of the men in life is being an infant at first, then a school boy, then a lover or a husband, then a soldier, then a mature man and lastly and elderly person. Must be very sad! At least I find it very sad when I read it. Therefore, I don't think I will be focusing on this poem while I do my project.

Poem Number 3: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou




The poem "I know why the caged bird sings" is one of the best poems that I've read. It talks about a bird that has been locked up in a cage, singing in the hope of freedom. When I read this poem it makes me feel upset as it reminds me of animal cruelty. I've always wondered how it feels to get locked up in cage. Well, I guess being in prison is like being in a cage for humans. No one would like to stay in prison and the same thing goes for the birds as well, they would not want to be caged up, away from freedom. The poem is very touching and it's making me think about the animals that are struggling in the hand of mankind. I can imagine the bird in the poem as a human, away from freedom and struggling with the bad face of life. However, I'm not sure if the writer is actually referring to life of a humans by using a locked up bird in a cage in the poem. Well, the freedom of the bird in the poem has been taken and the bird is struggling with the unmerciful behaviours of people. This poem is interesting but, it does not interest me as much as the first poem that I have analysed. So, I don't think that I will be using this poem in m project.


I have analysed all three of the poems. Now its the time to choose one of the poems to use it in my project. Therefore, for my project I've decided to choose the poem called 'The little white hearse' by Ella Wheeler Wilcox. The reason for my decision is the fact that I have found this poem more interesting then the other ones. This is because the poem I have chosen is about the death of a baby which is really sad. I really like sad poems and song as they match up with my soul more than the joyful ones. Plus as soon as I've read the poem I've started to plan the narrative out in my head which did not happen with the other poems. The poem is telling about the death of a baby and how it feels going through that pain. This is a really interesting feeling for me as I have never had a child and had it dead. So I do not know how feels to go through that pain. Therefore, I fine this poem really interesting as it tells about the feelings that I have never felt before in my life. I might go through that pain in the future (who knows?) even though I really wouldn't want to (we can never know what can happen to us in the future). Well, I hope that it will never ever happen, I prefer to just create an empathy.


There are few reasons why I have chosen this poem. The first reason is that when I've read the poem, I had an idea on my mind straight away about the narrative that I'm going to create. The second reason is that the poem is very touching and sad and had a different affect on me than the other two poems. The third reason is that fact that the poem is really clear, I mean it says things really clearly so that I can understand what it means which helps me create an empathy with mothers whom lost their children. So, I thought that there are enough reasons to choose this poem to use it in my narrative. I want to be as creative as possible when shooting my video.  I want to use different camera angle, different effects and a nice music to make my video look creative and eye catching. 


What am I going to create?

I will be creating a video that is between 1-2 minutes. In the video that I will create, I will try to show my own interpretation of the a poem called "The little white hearse" by Ella Wheeler Wilcox.I will be as creative as possible to create this narrative and I will be doing my best to make the video look interesting eye catching to the audience. 

What is my narrative about?

The poem that I have chosen is about the death of a baby and the affects that it leaves on a mother,. It is a very interesting poem that makes me think an understand. However, I will be creating my own understanding of the poem. My narrative is going to be about a young mother who is poor and alone, trying to abandon her baby because she cannot look after it no more. However, her heart will not allow to this to her baby, therefore she will not do that. The relation between the poem and my narrative is basically the feelings that the mother is scared to feel. She is scared about her baby and she is also scared to feel guilty to leave her baby, because her baby could die and she will ever ever forgive herself for that. Additionally, leaving her baby basically means that she might not see her baby ever again which is the same thing if he baby was dead. The feelings and the emotions that this event can create scares her, therefore she will make the right choice at the end.

How am I going to create this? and where am I going to shoot the video?

I will be creating this video by using the a camera and a baby doll. First of all, I would like to mention that the video I'm going to create is going to be in black and white effect. The reason for this is because, I think that using black and white effects makes the atmosphere look more sad and more interesting. By using black and white effects I'm hoping that I will catch a good correlation and a good relation between the poem and my narrative. Because the poem is all about death and sad feelings, I'm thinking that using black and white effects will create that atmosphere and that moment. Now I would like to explain how my narrative is going to be.

First of all let's think of a church that kind of looks like the one in the image at the left hand side of the page. Well, just like what we see in the picture, I'm planning to shoot my video on a dark day in the garden of a church that's near my house St. Michael's. I'm going but a baby doll that kind of looks like a human baby wrapped around a little cover. I;m also going to have a mother with carrying her baby to the front of church in her arms with tears in her eyes. Basically, this is a young mother tat has no one to back her up in life, she is alone, poor and can't look after her baby, therefore she will be taking he baby in front of a church for someone to take it and take care of it. The reason why she chose to abandon the baby in front of  church is because she thinks that the people in the church and the people who come to church are religious and merciful, which makes her think that they will take care of her baby. Another reason why she takes the baby to the church is because in the video the time will set in 1946's where the second world war is just ended and Britain is still struggling with economic and social issues. People have no jobs and stuff are expensive and she does not want her child to go through that. Well, lets go back to the story, so she will be taking her child to the church and leave in front of the church. Then she will turn her back on the baby after she puts it down and will slowly start walking. Then she will hear something that brakes her heart in pieces and awakens the mercy she has within her. This was the sound of her baby crying in pain. That moment she will stop walking and stay for few seconds with the tears falling down of her eyes. The moment that the baby starts crying I will put a sad music. Then she will turn round and walk towards her baby to take it with her. the video will end by the girls walking back to where she came from with her baby in her arms.

Basically, her heart will not allow her to leave her baby without a mother, there a also a possibility where she thinks that her baby could die therefore, her motherly feelings starts to kick off and this is where the relationship is between my interpretation of the poem. Because, leaving your baby could mean that you might not see it never ever again which is basically the same thing if your baby was dead. Therefore, she does not want to go through the pains and the feelings that the poem talks about. Plus she will be feeling worse as she will blame herself leaving her baby. She does not want to go thorough that pain therefore, she will take her baby in her arms and fight any problem taht she will face.


I have created a questionnaire on Google forms to find out what people think about children/babies in general. However, I've gone into a bit of detail when I was asking my questions, for example; I have asked what would they do if their baby was dead, or would they ever leave their child? There are 10 questions that I have asked in the survey in total. Each and every one of the questions are important for me because they will help to find out people's opinions about this topic. Now l will have a look at the feedback that I've received and analyse those reviews to be able to understand people's feelings about this topic.

Closed Questions

Question 1: Do you like babies?

My first question on my survey was "Do you like babies?" The answers for this question is just like what I expected it to be. 10 out of 10 people have answered yes to this question, which means that they like babies. To be honest I wasn't even sure if I should ask this question or not because I feel like it is a very simple question, I mean who wouldn't like babies? Even though I wasn't sure if I should ask the question or not, I've still asked and just like I expected all of the 10 people said yes. 

Question 2: Would you prefer male or female baby?

My second question on my survey was " Would you prefer male or female baby?" The answers for this question didn't really shocked me to be honest. As we see it in the chart 6 out of 10 people (60%) have said that they prefer male babies. 2 out of 10 people have said that they prefer female babies and another 2 out of 10 people have said "does not matter". As I said I'm not really shocked about the answers as I did expect most people to say that they want male babies. The reason for this expectation was the fact that I think people tend to like boys more as a child. I'm not too sure about the exact reason why. However, it might be the fact that men are still seen above women (which is absolutely ridiculous). We see only 2 out of 10 people have said that they would want female babies. When I have a think about it, I would of wanted more people to answer this question saying "it does not matter". However, I only see 2 people saying this out of 10 people.

Question 3: What would your reaction be if your baby was dead?

My third question on my survey was "what would your reaction be is your baby was dead?" There were few selection of reactions that they could've choose. However, 10 out of 10 people have said they their reaction would be crying. I can understand the reason why these people did not say screaming or being quiet because I don't think anyone would stay quiet if their baby was dead. To be honest, if this kind of question was asked to me, I wouldn't know what to say, I would probably say I don't know. May be if I put the answer 'I don't know' in my answer boxes then I think most people wold of say "I don't know'. 

Question 4: Would you ever have a baby even if you have no one in life that will help you?

My fourth question on my survey was "would you ever have a baby even if you have no one in life that will help you?" As we see 6 out of 10 people which is most people have said 'yes' top this question which actually really shocked me. I expected most people to say no to this question, because I thought people would be scared to have a baby on their own without the support of their families and friends. However, we can see that most people think it's not a problem and they can manage looking after that kid on their own without the support of other people. 3 out of 10 people have said 'no' to this question 

(I would say no too) which I think is a clever thing to do. I don't think having a baby without the support of others is the best thing someone can do. Therefore, I personally agree with people who said no to this question. 1 out of 10 people have said

'I don't know' to this question which means that this person is confused. I think we people should be determined about these kind of things, we shouldn't be indecisive as we might regret it in the future.

Question 5: Would you ever leave your baby?

My fifth question on my survey was 'would you ever leave your baby?' Just like I expected 10 out of 10 people have answered 'no' to this question which is good. However, as we all know of course none of us would want to leave our babies and children, but sometimes life brings you in a kind of situation where you cannot do anything about it no more. Therefore, there are many babies and children in orphanage either taken away from their families or have been put there by their families. So, 'never say never'!

Open Questions

Question 6: At what age would you want to have a baby and why?

My sixth question on the survey was 'at what age would you want to have  a baby and why? 6 out of 10 people have said that they would want to have a baby at or above the age of 25. Their reasons for their choice is that some of them want to be married and have a proper job, some of them think that it's the perfect age and some of them say after university. So, when we collect all these information we cans see that the main reason for them to have a baby at the age of 25 or above ids mostly because of financial and educational issues (which is definitely understandable). 1 out of 10 people have said they want to have a kid at the age of 24 because they think it's a good age to have a kid. 2 out of 10 people say that they want a baby at the age of 23and not given the reasons why. Lastly, 1 out of 10 people said that they want to have a kid at the age of 30 which I think is quite a late age to have a baby. If the same question was asked to be I would probably say 25, because I would want to finish university and get my life sorted before I have a baby. I would not want my baby to go through rough times with me which is quite possible if I have a baby at an early age like 21. 

Question 7: What is so interesting about having a kid?

My seventh question on my survey was 'what is so interesting about having a kid?' 4 out of 10 people have said that 'they're cute' and 'they're very cute creatures'. To be honest, I agree with their statements  because I think babies are very cute and I really love them. 1 out of 10 people have said that 'I love kids'. 1 out of 10 people have said 'I think it's a different experience. 1 out of 10 people have said 'they impact you'. 1 out of 10 people have said 'exciting' and last 1 out of 10 people have said that hey're not too sure. he answers for this question were really different from each other. 4 people have mentioned that the babies are cute but, the rest of the answers were a bit different from each other. People have different opinions on having a baby which is understandable.

What is so interesting about having a kid?

My eighth question on my survey was 'what is so interesting about having a kid? We see different answers coming from 10 different people. However, some answers still mean the same thing even though they have been put in a different way.  As we see in the screenshot above, 4 people have said that because babies are cute creatures. 2 people have said 'They're cute', 1 person has said 'They're very cute creatures', and person has said 'I don't know but they're cute'. Even though these answers been put in a different way, they still mean the same thing which means that babies are cute and this is what's so interesting about having a kid for them. 1 out of 10 people has said 'challenges'. This person is probably trying to say that you can face many challenges and problems when you have a kid because, having a kid means you've got a new responsibility in your life and i also you've got to try to overcome everything as much as you can to protect your child. 1 out of 10 people as said 'they impact you'. Well, this is true and I also agree with this statement because, kids can have a big impact on your life both emotionally and economically for example; if you're a student and you have a baby there is a low chance of you still attending to your school when you have that baby and this goes for people who work or for all people in general. 1 out f 10 people has said 'I love kids'. Well, this is not really answering the question but still this is an important statement because, if we don't love kids and look after them, then who's going to take care of them? Therefore' what this person has said is very important. 1 out of 10  people has said 'I'm not too sure'. This person is probably confused. 1 out of 10 people has said 'exciting'. Yes, having kid can be very exciting for most people because, when the baby is born people usually have to change many thing in their life which can be exciting. "lastly, 1 out of 10 people has said ' I think it's a different experience'. This is one of the statements that agree on. Not everyone in the world can have kids as some people are infertile (even though there are few ways out there to have a baby), but when you have the kid it can be a very different experience for people who especially have their first child.

My ninth question on my survey was 'If you had to leave your kid, where would you leave it and why?

My ninth question on my survey was 'If you has to leave your kid, where would you leave it and why?'. Again I have 10 answers from 10 different people. When we look at the screenshot from the survey feedback above, we can see that majority of people (6 out of 10) have mentioned that they would leave their kid to orphanage. Even though they've said this using different words, they still mean the same thing. 1 of them people has said 'I would give it to orphanage'. another of them people has said 'I think I would leave it in a orphanage'. Another of them people has just mentioned 'orphanage' (very straight forward). Another of them people has said 'orphanage and I don't know' basically saying that they would leave it to an orphanage but they don't know the reason why.And lastly, another person has said 'orphanage I think'. It is quite interesting why majority of people have mentioned the orphanage in their answer and it's also interesting that they did not give the reasons why they would leave their child there. I'm not shocked about the fact that most people have mentioned orphanage in their answer, because orphanage is a place where children are looked after until they reach a certain age. Even though it sounds upsetting, we get people leave their children and give it to social services which is not a very nice thing to do. It might be the time to think a lot before we decide to have children because no child should be born to parents who won't even look after them. 1 out of 10 people has said 'I wouldn't' which is a good answer but doesn't really answer the full question as they didn't give any reasons for their answer. 1 out of 10 people has said 'I would give it to my mum or one of her sisters because they can take care of it' this answer is answering the full question but, what if they don't have any sisters or parents? 1 out of 10 people has said 'I don't know where I would leave it, I wouldn't want to leave my child' this person seems to be a very emotional person or they didn't even understand the question that I have asked. Because, in the questions it clearly says 'if you had to leave your kid' bu the person who answered the question doesn't seem to understood the question properly. Well, even though they didn't really understand the question I still like the statement they have made. 1 out of 10 people has said 'I would leave it to my sister or my mum'. What if you don't have any of that or even if you do, what if they don't want to look after your child? This question always comes up to my head when I see these kind of answers. 

The tenth question that I have asked in my survey was ' How would it affect you if your kid was disabled?

My tenth question on my questionnaire was 'how would it affect you if your kid was disabled?' 10 people have answered this question in total. Majority of the people (7 out of 10) have given very similar answers to this question. 2 out of them 7 people have said ' I would be very upset'  I'm not surprised with this statement as in general many people would be very upset. 1 of them 7 people has said 'I would be upset but I would help it and take care about it'. Another of them people has said ' I'd be upset'. Another of them people has mentioned ' It would really affect m, I would feel so upset for my child', this person says that it would really affect her/him which is very understandable as many parents out there would feel the same. However, we get some parents who wouldn't even take care of their children which means that they don't even deserve to have kids. There are thousands of people out their who would give anything just to have one kid and we get people who don't deserve to have them beautiful kids having loads of kids which they don't even take care of.  Anyway, 1 out of them 7 people has said 'it does not matter but obviously I would be very upset', this person says that it doesn't matter for her/him which is something that not all people can accept. Another of them 7 people has said ' I'd  be very upset probably' this person says that they would be very upset probably which means that they're not sue if they'll be upset or not. All of these people who mentioned the word upset in their sentences have given normal answers as most people around the world would have the same feelings if their kid was disabled. Let's move on to the other answers that I've received from my feedback. 1 out of 10 people has said 'it wouldn't which is a very straight forward answer I don't understand what thy're trying to say by giving this answer. I mean how wouldn't it affect you? Do they say it in a good way or in a bad way? I didn't really get what this person is saying so i'm not commenting on it. 1 out of 10 people has said ' I would not want to have a kid that's disabled'. Well, fair enough if someone thinks that they cannot look after a disabled kid then they wouldn't give birth to it, because when its born they would not take care of it and the child would go through hard times. So, it's best to not have disabled kid if you think  that you'll not be bale to look after it. 1 out of 10 people has said ' I would not want to have a disabled baby because it would go though so much pains. We can think that this person is very sensitive ans would be very upset to see her/his child going through so much pain.

                                                                                                              END OF PRIMARY RESEARCH 

Mind Map Number 1 : The Little White Hearse by Ella Wheeler Wilcox


In my secondary research I'm going to find out about the kids in orphanage, how many cooperation there are in England for children, what kind of abuse do children go though in social care (if they do), how many children are in social care and why they have been put in social care. I'm going to use the internet as my resource, I will be using links and screenshots to show my research. When I find the information that I need, I will start analysing an start giving my opinion about the information I find as it would help to me to explain myself and express my feelings about this topic.

Social Care a the Government 

Departments for children: 

- Safe guarding and social care for children

- social services and your family

-Children and young people services

-Putting children first

These are the departments that the government provide for kids. Most of these department have the same kind of role and do the same thing for children. Some times, the children are being taken away from their families and being put in social care, sometimes social care services workers are visiting their houses to have a talk with them to see if they're okay. These children are being put in foster care and live with their foster parents and other children in a house. 

Charities for Children in UK

- Orphans in Need

Orphans in Need charity is a charity that works in UK and other places around the world to provide help for orphan children around the world. They believe that every child has right to live a happy and healthy life. They are a UK based charity helping more then 20,000 children around the world in 14 countries. They provide food parcels, health care and fees for education for orphans around the world. they are helping the orphans to work for their future to make it better, they're offering grants and money to orphanage owners so that they can provide housing for their orphans and provide better care for them and they are also covering the health care costs for orphans who cannot afford to pay. 

Street Orphans

Street Orphans is another charity that helps the orphan children around the world. The charity is also working in UK as well as other countries around the world. According to their studies, a child become an orphan every 18 seconds which is very upsetting. Some of those children are either getting abandoned, taken away, or their parents die. 

They have projects in different places around the world but lets talk about their UK projects first;

- Hungry Kids Project: helping children who are in hunger

- Kid's reading challenge

- Sponsor a child

- Street asylum

- Sponsor Eco- friendly kids homes

- Youth music project

Most of these projects are being created to either help the orphan kids or to entertain them while helping them discover their abilities. 


-The children's society

- Child hope UK

- War child - a UK charity that works in countries in war to help the children who gets affected by the war going on in their country

- Children of Uganda -UK charity helping poor kids in Uganda

- SOS children villages (UK)

- Children with Cancer

- Save the Children UK

- Best Beginnings

- Caudwell children

- Chain of hope

- Children today

- Supporting children hospice

- Forces children's trust 

- Barnardo's


In UK there are places where orphans or children that can't live with their families can accommodate in. These places are fosters houses. The children in foster houses are being looked after by their foster parents. They are being provided food, health care etc. These foster care houses are every beneficial for children who are in need. However, these houses are not only filled with orphan children but most are filled with children who have been taken away from their families as a result of parents not looking after their kids. In fact according to charity LUMOS 80% of children who live at orphanage, children's home or foster care have living parents. These statistics are shocking because we can see that even though these kids have families that should look after them, they live in foster care or orphanage instead. 68,300 children are looked after in foster and there are about 43,710 foster families in Britain. according to this information, 5,900 more foster families are needed to look after these kids.


In child care houses we can come across the fact that children can experience abuse sometimes either sexually or physically. This is a very ugly and upsetting topic but unfortunately, the facts of life. I have done some research about this subject and here is what I came across while I was looking for some information. Here is the link of the website for the news about abusing of children in care.

In this website, they give information about how some children are being abused both physically and sexually by their foster carers. 


There are many reasons why children are being put in foster. some of them reasons are;

Physical abuse: Yes. Unfortunately one of the main reasons why children are being put in foster care is because of the violence that they experience in their homes. There are many factors of child abuse in homes, drinking, using drugs, family issues and etc. These children face that much violence that end them up in foster care, because they're taken away from their families by social services. At this point,  the social services are doing the right thing because no child needs to experience something like that . However, children who are in foster care can also be abused unfortunately even though it is not very common. 

Neglect: Sometimes parents don't provide child's needs like food, clothing etc. some children are not living in clean environment and their emotional needs are not provided. There could also be family issues where children are affected which then 

 can be reason for them to be taken away from their families. 

Abandonment: When parents don't take care of their children or leave the house and don't come back, the social services can take the children to put them in foster care.

Death: When a child's parents are dead, they can be put in foster care if thee is no one to look after them.

Volunteer: Some parents voluntarily place their children in foster care. 

So these are the reasons why children can be placed in foster care. 


                                                                                            END OF SECONDARY RESEARCH


The primary and the secondary research that I have made is going to be useful when it comes to creating my video. However, I have already decided what I'm going to do in my video. I think that my primary research is going to affect my video the most because, I've received a feedback from the people who shares the similar kind of thoughts with me. I will try to reflect these thoughts in the video that I'm going to create. I'm happy about the research that I have done and I'm hoping to use he information I've got effectively.




What did you find out from your research?



From my primary research, I've found out that, most people think that children are important. They think that they're cute and should be looked after. They think that having babies are important and that they would leave their children in an orphanage if they have to. This wasn't really shocking because the way that I've asked the question was making them give that kind of answers. However, if I've asked a question would you ever leave your baby which I did and most people have said no to this question. So, the overall opinions of the people about kids are positive which is a good thing. So this is what I have found from my primary research.


From my secondary research, I have found a good amount of information. For example, I've found out that there are many charities for children in UK that works in UK and other places around the world. I've found out the reason why children are being placed in foster care. I've found out the number of children who are in foster care and the number of foster parents in the UK as well as how many more foster families are needed. The information that I've found is good and I'm hoping to use this information in my work effectively.


Production title?

The production title for my video is going to be ' I will not leave my baby'. I was trying to be more creative but this is what came up to my head. I don't know if the title is a good title to use but I think it at least gives an idea of what the video is going to be about. So, if someone sees that title under the video, they will probably be able to figure out what the video contains and what the story is about. Therefore I wanted to be informative when I was thinking about my title because I wanted people to understand what the video is about as soon as they see the title.


A brief description of film trailer?

In the video, you will see a young women carrying her baby and walking slowly towards a building in a very upset manner. She will then reach the building and she will put her baby underfloor in front of the building unwillingly. she will then started walking away but stop at some point and start to think what she has done. She will realize that she is not doing something right and her heart will not allow her to do this to her child. The will turn around and start walking towards her baby, she will then take her baby and start walking off slowly. The reason why this girl wants to abandon her baby is that she is very poor and she's got lots of issues in her life. She thinks that she cannot look after her baby anymore, therefore, she decides to leave it. The time in the video is going to be England in 1950's, just after the war where people are struggling to provide for their families. She is one of the people that has been affected by this bad economy. I will try to give my video a kind of effect where it shows 1950's therefore, my video is going to be in black and white.


Who would your audience be?

Everyone can watch the video that I'm going to create. There is not an age limit for his video as it does not contain any violent behavior or sexual scenes or bad language. However, would everyone watch the video that I will make? To be honest I don't think that everyone would watch the video that I'm going to create because, not everyone is interested in a sad, black and white video where a young woman abandoning her baby. Today's youngsters are more interested in fun videos or make -up tutorials nowadays. therefore, I think that my demographics would be people over 20. there aren't any limitations when it comes to wealth either because anyone who has access to the internet can watch my video.


What will the Audience gain from watching your video?

The audience will gain many things from the video that I'm going to make. For example, by watching this they will understand the importance of a child, they might even create an empathy and put themselves in her shoes to imagine what they would do if they were in that kind of situation. 


Viewer response?

I'm hoping that the video I'm going to create wil not affect or insult anyone. I'm hoping to get a positive response from people. I will be as careful as possible not to insult anyone when I make my video. I'm also hoping that the video I will make will not be funny because I will have to use a fake baby doll for my video because no one will give me their child to use in my video. Therefore, there is a risk of me making people laugh than cry when they see the video. 


Estimated viewing time?

The estimated viewing time for my video is going to be around 2 minutes. It might be a little bit less or a little bit more than the expected duration. But, I will try y best to not go too short or too long for the duration of the video. Because, if I do it too short, people might not be able to get the message that I'm trying to deliver, or if I do it too long it can get boring which is definitely not what I want


Estimated number of location and where are the locations?

I'm planning to use one location which is St. Michaels church in Tenterden. However, my teacher told me that the video I will make needs to be shoot in the college campus. Therefore, I'm goign to use only one place and this place is the Oakwood hotel in the Midkent College campus. The reason why I've chosen this place is because, it has an old-looking appeareance which is what I was lookign for. I hope there will no problem with me shooting the video at this place. 


Health and safety?

As I will be shooting the video outside, there might be a risk of slipping or tripping if its a rainy day. There can still be a risk of tipping because will be carrying some equipment like tripod and camera which are quite heavy. There is also a risk of the tripod falling onto our feet as we will be moving around in the place that we shooting at.


Props and clothing needed?

We will need a fake baby doll and old looking clothing which reflects the poor fashion of 1950' Britain.


Equipment needed? Techniques and software going to be used?

I will need kinds of equipment like a camera, a tripod and a baby doll for my video.

The techniques and the software that I'll be using are Premiere Pro. This is the best program for editing videos in my opinion. I will be using different tools to catch the effects, sounds and the quality that I need for my video.


Call List

Media Department Equipment Rate

Production Risk Assessment

Location Report

Personal Release Form

Shooting Script Template

Shooting Schedule



This unit was one of the units that I've enjoyed the most. Obviously there were hard bits where I had to use my creativity to solve the problems, but in the end I've got the work done. I got the work done but, my video is not exactly how I want it to be. As you can see in the video, the transition between the clips are not very professional. I tried to use the right transition techniques but unfortunately I couldn't get the result that i was aiming for. I'm quite upset about the fact that I couldn't find the right transition tool for my clips to catch an ongoing video. 

I had to face many problems while working through this project. One and the most important problem that I had to face was the fact that I wasn't allowed to film outside of the college campus. This was a big problem for me because I had the change the whole theme of my video. I based the theme of m video on a church because i was going create a video that reflects death. Therefore, using the church was vital because you usually get graves around the church which was what I was expecting to film.  In the end I had to use a building that was in the college campus in front of the Oakwood park hotel. Unfortunately using this building have ruined all my plans and I don't think that I reflected the theme of the poem that I've chosen to use on my final video. 

Another problem that I had to face was the fact that I couldn't find a baby doll to use in my video, therefore I had to bring a porcelain doll from my house to use it in the video. Using the porcelain doll made my video lose it's seriousness and almost turned it into a funny video. Even I laughed when I watched my video. I was also very unlucky as the sun was shining very brightly the day that I was filming. However, the day was meant to be dark, overcast and gloomy to create a sad atmosphere. I was very unlucky with this unit because all my plan was turned inwards which made me very upset in the end. I'm hoping to create much better videos for my project in the future.

All the other things were fine. Even though I'm not very happy with the outcome, at least I've got the work done. 

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