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What is Metamorphosis?

Metamorphosis. The word first appeared in ancient times in the anxiety of tying man to the universe, and no other word can better describe the process of change that societies are currently undergoing. People do not speak for a reason without paradigm shift today, referring to what some see as the acceleration of the transformation of human civilisation. In this enchanted form, this process of constantly interfering with each other, whether we watch or not, we are constantly firing. Artists who do not passively recognise this active force record these tremors as a seismograph that observes the centre of the world, as an intuitive and multitasking observer and inevitably enlightened pointer. This thinking and shaping, which they relate to, exists together with all the transformative potential in their work. With the universe changing, moving, trembling and shining; talking, suggesting, touching, disturbing the work of art, the artists embody the idea of ​​transfer, transfer - metamorphosis


The title of metamorphosis can be understood in more than one form, including as much as the artists, the world of alchemists, biologists, philosophers and linguists.

In this unit I will be setting metamorphosis as my target and will try to show a transition that will show exactly what metamorphosis is. I will do my best to express and bring out my skills and abilities in this subject in order to make good achievements. I will be concentrating on this subject more than I have concentrated on other subject as it's the last major project. I' hoping to get the best results from the work that I will do. 



When I first started to level 3 media in 2017, I was a bit worried thinking that I will struggle a lot as I've heard from few people that level 3 media is quite hard. Well, from my experiences so far I can say that the work s not as hard as I imagined. At the start of the new academic year I was a bit worried because, we had ur time table changed a few times and we couldn't really settle down because of the changed being made on the time table and the teachers. We didn't really know what to do and our work was all over the place. Therefore at the start of the course I was a bit confused. However, just before Christmas (end of November to start of December) everything started to settle down properly and we got the chance to see some of our assignments properly. most of us couldn't manage our assignments properly which confused me a lot. Now I'm fine as I know what I'm doing. To be honest sometimes I agree with the fact that this course can be hard sometimes as we need to complete few units at once which results in my work being late. However, I still enjoy studying this course as it's something that I really enjoy doing. I did study level 2 media as well last year and it was good as I had the chance to learn from the course little bit before I start the level 3.


My knowledge and understanding of the subject improved a lot I think. Now I can say that I use he Premier Pro cc much better than I used to in level 2. I have also learnt how to manage my wix page properly and there is one more thing which is really important to me and it is learning how to create Blipps on Blippar. I'm so happy about the fact that now i know how to create blipps which I find very interesting. So, I can say that unit 7 was one of the units that I have enjoyed the most. I can never forget the ideas that came up to my head for that project. However, I've only used one of them ideas which is a zodiac chart rotating constantly in the middle of a nebula background while the zodiac signs are starting to appear one by one making the page looking much busier. The other unit that I've also enjoyed doing a lot is unit 5 which was about the sound effects. I might not be very happy for my theory work on that one, but  must admit that my final video is very close to how  wanted it to be.  I would have never imagined thatI would enjoy creating sound effects for animation, but oh well I really did enjoy and wouldn't mind doing it again.


Unit 1 was a bit confusing because I didn't have the chance to get the assignment as we didn't have one. Therefore I should say that I didn't really know what to do when I was working on unit 1. My work was all over the place place at first I thought that I had to do all my work on my blog. Well, unfortunately that was not the case, Ive got told later that I had to do all my work on the actual website. So, what I did is that I copied and pasted all the work I've done on  blog to my website which was a bit confusing at first. After I've done that I started to concentrate on unit one and few other pieces of work that have been given by our teachers.I've done a mash-up video which was creating a film trailer. I have created this trailer by taking scenes from few movies like The Godfather, Angels and Demons, Percy Jackson and one Illuminati film. Basically, I've used scenes from 4 different movies to match them up in my trailer. I then uploaded my video on Youtube because my website does not allow me to upload videos on the page unfortunately. After the mash=up work, I then started with my carbon copy work. We had to find images and carbon copy them with the photos that we have taken. That was a fun thing to do and I have used the nature and books in my photos. At first the carbon copy work seemed to be easy but, when it came to do the work I have realised that it wasn't as easy as I thought. Well, Ive still managed to do it even though in my opinion it was the best piece of work that I have ever done.

Unit 4 was very confusing for me to be honest. Because, I didn't know what I had to do for this project. Well, at the end I did complete the unit but I wasn't quite sure how to to do it at first. Basically, we had to analyse two video and two printed advertisements that were banned. This took me a long time as there were plenty of questions to answer. After we analyse the adverts, we then had to create a college nan advertisement about alcohol. For this task i had to team up with few people to work with which I didn't really know. However, we have still managed to do the advert and uploaded it on Youtube. It was a good experience. Additionally, I expect to complete my FMP (last major project) with success. 

When I finish level 3 media completely, I'm aiming to go University to study investigative journalism. However, I'm not sure how this creative media production skills will help me which the course that I will choose in Uni and what reflects it will have while I'm studying that course. I'm hoping that this course Im studying now will have good effects on the subject that I will study in university.


My First Initial Idea: Women's Fashion Throughout The Last 100 Years

My first initial idea is about the women's fashion throughout the last 100 years. Basically, I'm planning to make a detailed research about how the women's fashion has been changed throughout the century. I will be looking at their clothes, their make-up, the jewellery, accessories, hair styles, their look in general. This ideas came up to my head after I've thought about it for few minutes. The reason why I wanted to use this as one of my initial ideas is the fact that it might be challenging for me as well as being interesting also. There is a high probability that I'll be using this idea for my project.

My Second Initial Idea: Flowers

My second initial idea is to create a transition with flowers. Basically, my plan is to take a fresh flower and take the picture of it everyday until it dies and dries out. When I take the picture of the plant/flower everyday, we will be able to see how it dies day by day. It will be the transformation that shows how the life of a plant comes to an end. this is my second idea but, I don't think I will be using this idea in my project as it's not the best idea.

My Third Initial Idea: Change of The Cameras Throughout the Centuries

My third initial idea is to show and describe how the old cameras looked like before. Who came up with the idea and how did it improve. I would also be some images that have ben taken by different kind of cameras (old-to new) and show the difference between them. Basically, how the cameras been transformed throughout the years. Unfortunately, I don't think that I'll be able to use this idea for my project because I'm not sure if I can find old cameras or even though ifI did they'll be quite expensive to buy it. Therefore, I need to eliminate this idea too. 


The Weekly Planner


Here are the stuff that I will be doing this week.  In the screenshot that sits on the left hand side of the page, the red bit shows the things that I need to do this week. I'm hoping to complete these tasks this week in the best way I can. My main resource is going to be the internet for these tasks. I will put as much information as I can to improve my work. 

Daily Planner -24/04/18

what will I be doing today?

Today I will be finding out what distinction grade is and I will start to analyse all 3 of my ideas. I don't think that I'll be able to finish all the analyzation of all the 3 ideas because I'm planning to go in detail in order to understand why I should or shouldn't choose those ideas. 

What is a Distinction Grade?

The grade distinction is a grade that takes place in BTEC grading system. It's the highest grade in BTEc after Distinction* (star). Distinction grade is equalivent to A. Whole of a level 3 BTEC course is equalivent to AAA if you get distinction. With a distinction grade from level 3 BTEC, you can get in to University to study most things. Distinction grade can be hard to get when you're doing BTEC because, your theory work needs to be as informative, descriptive as possible. In the grading system when it comes to doing BTEC you need to follow the instructions given when you're working on a unit. If you do not show the things in the grading criteria in your work, then there is a low chance of you getting a pass or merit.


I will be analysing my ideas for my FMP. After I finish analysing all the 3 ideas, I then will choose the best idea and explain the reason why I have chosen that Idea.


Women's Fashion throughout the last 100 years is the the best idea out of all 3 in my opinion. This is because, it sounds very interesting when I imagine how it's going to be in  my head. I also think that it would be a great fun to shoot the video because, I will need to use different outfits, different style of make-up and hair depending on what time frame the fashion was in. For this idea I will need to start from 1910's until 2010's to show the transformation of the fashion that women had throughout these years. The benefit of this idea is that it's going to help me to be as creative as I can. Of course I will need to stick to the style of fashion during a particular time period, but this doesn't mean I cannot be creative. I can still be creative by reflecting my understanding of fashion as well. I can also show my creativity by using different kind of effects, music and scenery. 

This idea can give me loads of chances to show my skills as I have mentioned it before. I can use different effects depending on what year the fashion is in. For example, if I'm doing 60's fashion I will find a song that represents 60's to put it as a background music.  I will also use black and white effects to also represent 60's because as we know colourful screens have been on the market since 80's. There are many things to do with this idea. It's a bit challenging because if I choose this idea I will need to buy different kind of clothing, make-up etc to show the fashion of each time period which could be hard at some points. There are many kind of different outfits make-up and hair styles throughout this last 100 years and it will be challenging to reflect this on my work. I will need to do a lot of research in order to get everything right. There is a turning point at the start of 1980's in  my opinion because that's the time when people started to change their styles massively and when it hit 90's, the fashion had a tremendous change. I will need to reflect this change in my work when I do my video. Let's make a rough research of different styles of fashion throughout the past 100 years.

1910's Woman

1920's Woman

1930's Woman

1940's Woman

1950's Woman

1960's Woman

1970's Woman

1980's Woman

1990's Woman

2000's Woman

Above you can see all the outfits that was popular in certain period of time. We can see the transformation of the fashion from 1920's to 2000's. My aim is to show this transformation in my video as much as I can if I choose this idea (which is more likely that I will). Ki'm really interested in this idea but, it seems a bit hard because I will need to find out the outfits that relates to each of the time period. For example, for 1910's I will need to find outfits that was popular during that time which can be a bit hard. However, I'm not very worried about 1940's onward because even nowadays we can find vintage outfits in many places.


This idea came up to my mind very quickly as soon as I've heard the word transformation. The whole purpose of this idea is to show how the flowers are dying. My plan for this idea was to buy bunch of different flowers and put them on video record for about a week until they dry out and see which kind of flower dies first. I was going compare these flowers and make research about them of why and how do they die quicker than the other. However, this idea seemed a bit too easy in my opinion because all I had to to was to keep my camera on record until they die for a about a week which mean that I don't really need to do anything. In fact, I would like to put some effort int he project that I'm working on and if I'm getting a graded for it, I want my work and effort to worth the grade that I will be getting. 

I didn't think that I will be able to get the grade that I want for if I concentrate on this idea for my project. Therefore, I don't think that this idea will be the one that I will be choosing. Additionally, the weird thing and the problem with this idea is the fact that I will need to be extra  and extra creative to bring out something different which I find it very hard. I'm not too sure what the ways are to show the transformation of the flowers. Obviously making research about it will give an idea on how to be creative with this kind of project but, I really didn't put this idea forward for this major project. Anyway, now I will be showing which kind of flowers I was planning to use (if I was to choose this idea for my project) and the reasons why.

Flower number 1 Poppy

Flower number 2 Daisy

Flower Number 3 Roses

Poppies are one of my favourite flowers because they're are beautiful and very fragile. They're one of the flowers that I would prefer to red roses. Some information about poppies;

-It is a plant with very beautiful, bright red colour. 

- It grows in  the countryside.

- There are many varieties. White poppies growing in China, India and Iran are grown to a large extent for their benefits in sleeping problems

-Some poppies can be used as drugs, however the red poppies don't have any drug effects

These poppy flowers have very soft, thin and fragile leaves which means that they can die and dry out in a few days without water. 

Daisies are also one of my favourite flowers. I really like the smell of daisies and how they look. They're are also my choice when it comes to relaxation because I always drink camomile or daisy tea before I go sleep. Some information about daisies;

- It opens by itself in the countryside with the arrival of spring

- The meadows are decorated with these white wrapped flowers

- Chamomile comes back every year as long as there is a fossil stem that lives under the ground

- These flowers resemble a small sunflower

- They're being consumed as teas for calming and relaxing

Daisies (camomile) are also very soft and weak flowers but, they're a bit stronger than poppies as they last longer without water and soil.

Roses are not my very best flowers but I wanted to choose this flower type because it's more stronger than the other flowers that I have chosen for this idea. It would help me when I compare which one dies first. Soem information about roses;

- Rose; (Lat. Rosa) This is a plant of the Odyssey class the Rosales team 

- The body can be upright or a reptile

- Flowers can be red, white, yellow, pink or even black

-There are about 115 genera and up to 3,200 species

- They have very unique smell of their own which can be used in perfume sectors

Roses are strong flowers and they take a bit of time to die without soil and water. 

I have given some information about the flowers that I would have chosen if I was to choose this idea for my project. I've explained the reasons why i would choose these flowers. I was going to choose more flowers but I thought that I will mix it up too much if I was to compare them. If it was only 2 flowers that I will be comparing then it would be quite easy, However, above 3 can be a bit of a nightmare. The likelihood of me choosing this idea for my project is 20%. 


Changing of the cameras throughout the history is one of my best ideas. The basic plan for this idea was to gather round all the cameras that have been used throughout the history until now and show the transition of these cameras and how they have changed from very old flash cameras to the digital ones that we use in nowadays. This is a very interesting topic but, there is one little problem with this idea and it's the same problem which also occurs in my first idea which is women's fashion throughout the last 100 years. However, the problem with my first idea can easily be solved unlike this one. The problem with this idea is the fact that it's not easy to find the cameras that have been used throughout the century in these days. 

I might need to borrow it from a museum which is impossible because I don;t think any museum would allow me (or anyone) to use their very precious objects. For this reason being, this idea is already in the bin in my opinion. However I will still be analysing this idea and tell you how I would plan it out if I was to use this idea for my project. I'm a bit upset about the fact that I will not be able to use this idea in my project because I think it's very interesting and a unique topic which could make me enjoy when I work on it. However, it seems like I will not be able to use this idea even though I want to. Anyway let me explain the way I would plan this idea out if i was to use it in my project.


The very first camera invention was appeared in 1635 Johann Zahn. It then invented by William Henry Fox. Here how the Camera obscura looked like.


The use of photographic film was pioneered by George Eastman, who started manufacturing paper film in 1885 before switching to celluloid in 1888-1889. His first camera, which he called the "Kodak," was first offered for sale in 1888.

Number 1: Johnson & Harrison- Pantoscopic Camera 1862

Thompson Revolver Camera-1862

Stim Vest Camera 1885

Camera Plegable Pocket Kodak 1895

Kodak 1888

Brownie 1900

Luzo 1889

Kine exacta 1936

As you can see in the images above, there are many types of cameras that has been made by different companies at the same time periods. if I was to put all the cameras that have been made, it would fill the whole page up. Therefore, I wills top putting the image of the cameras However, I can show the very last model of camera that we have in these days and we can see the different between the ones over here and the one I will show. 

Cannon digital cameras 2018 model is one of the last model camera of our time. There are major differences with its settings and with it's appearance.

So, we have not seen all the cameras that have been made throughout the history, but we at least have an idea of how the cameras in the olden times looked like compared tot he ones that we have now. As I mentioned it before, there is no way I can find those cameras as it wouldn't be possible. Therefore, I will not be using this idea for my project. It seems that the best idea to choose for my project is 'The women's fashion throughout the last 100 years'. I will be writing up a justification of my chosen idea after I done the swot analysis of these ideas.


Number 1: Women's Fashion Throughout the last 100 years - SWOT Analysis

Strengths: I must say that I have few strengths which relates tot his idea. I'm a kind of person who likes to read fashion magazines and learn about the fashion rules most of the time even though I don't really follow them rules. I'm also very interested in fashion as I know how to sew my clothes like skirts, tops etc. Before I started studying media, I was very interested (still) in studying fashion and going to a fashion school in London. Therefore I'm very interested in fashion which I think is one of my biggest strengths. I'm also good at making different hair styles and different make-up styles as my brother is a unisex hairdresser and I've got few skills learnt from him. I think these are my biggest strengths and I will be able to use them properly when it comes to creating my model suitably for the time period that she is going to resemble. 

Weaknesses: I also have some weaknesses when it comes to using this idea for my project. For example, I'm not sure about on what kind of effects I will use for different time periods. As you may imagine, I'm not planning to use the same effects that I have used for 1940's for 1980's as it wouldn't be as realistic as I want it to be. I'm also very scared about creating the cuts between scenes and the camera techniques. What I'm trying to say is that, I'm still not too sure how I'm going to position my camera when shooting. I want to use the very best camera positioning techniques for this project but I don't know how I'm going to do this. i'm thinking that I will need to make a lot of research about this subject.

Opportunities: My opportunities for this idea is that we have a good studio in college with a perfect lighting system which will be very helpful when it comes to shoot my video. I will need a lot of good lighting for  my scenes in the video so the fact that we have this studio in the college is a very good opportunity. I also get to use college's camera which is another opportunity and I know a bit about vintage fashion which will help e to choose the outfits I will need for specific time periods.

Threats: There are few threats for using this idea in my project. One of the most important threat thatI have with this idea is that what if I cannot find the outfits that I need for different time periods? For example; in 1910's they used to wear very different and unique outfits and it's a bit hard to find those kind of outfits now as we live in the 21st century. So I will need to find an outfit that looks like an outfit in 1910's instead of finding the real one because it's impossible. I'm hopping that this will work.

Number 2: The Flowers Idea- SWOT Analysis

Strengths: The strengths that I have for this idea is the fact that it's really easy because all I have to do is to put the camera on record for about a week until the flowers dry out. I would be able to do this very easily.  things is that I'm able to find these flowers anywhere I want apart from the poppy as I have never seen the poppy flower anywhere around this country. Also, the second thing is the fact that poppies die very easily which means that I wouldn't even need to put the camera on record for a week. It would only take about 3 days for the flower to die. The other flowers that I have chosen would of course take longer to dry out. 

Weaknesses: The weaknesses I have for this idea is the fact that I'm allergic to some flowers which means that I could be affected very badly by some of these flowers that I have chosen. Plus I have hay fever. I'm okay with the rose flower but I'm not too sure about poppies. The second thing is that I don't have much information about flowers which can be hard for me to figure out what to do. The third thing is the fact that this idea is a very easy  which means that I might nit be able to get the grade that I really want which is distinction. 

Opportunities: The opportunities that I have for this idea is that I'm able to find these flowers anywhere apart from the poppies as I mentioned it before. It's also a super easy task that I can complete very easily.

Threats: There are many threats that I might face if I choose to do this idea in my project. For example, it's too easy and I might not be able to get good grade from it. I will need to be extra creative to get a higher grade. I want to record the flowers using different angles and different lighting until they die which means that I need few cameras recording continuously from different directions in a studio with a black background. This is impossible for me because I'm not always in college and my house is very far away from the college which means that I won't be able to come in college everyday. The other threat is the fact that I cannot keep few cameras recording for a week until the flowers dry out because they might run out f batter, somebody in the studio might touch my flowers or change the angles of the cameras. All these things are very risky therefore I will not choose this idea to use in my project.:

Number 3: The Change of the Cameras- SWOT Analysis

Strengths: I don't have many strengths for this idea because I think this idea is very good but also very useless init's own way. The only strength that I have is the fact that I can use the studio in college to take photos of the cameras using different angles and different lighting

Weaknesses: There are many weaknesses for this idea for example; I' cannot find the cameras that have been used throughout the history even though if I did find them, I don't think I'' be able to buy it as they will be very expensive. Also i'm not spending hundreds of pounds just to take the photos of some cameras that have been used in the past. 

Opportunities: I don't think there are any opportunities for this idea. As I said it before, the idea is good but very useless as there is no way me of me collecting the cameras I want. 

Threats: The biggest threat for this idea is me not being able to complete the project because I won't be able to find thee equipment that I will need. Therefore I will not be choosing this idea for my project.


I have analysed my 3 ideas in detail and done a swot analysis for each and every one of them. Next week i will be working on primary and secondary research.


This week I will be working on my justification of the chosen idea, class presentation, primary and secondary research. I don't know If I'll be able to finish my secondary research this week because my plan is to go in a bit detail for my secondary research.


I have completed the analysis and the swot analysis of all my 3 ideas. After analysing all these 3 ideas, I came to decision where I should choose he one that will work the best for me and the one that I would enjoy doing it the most. Well, the idea that I have chosen to use in this project is 'The women's fashion throughout the last 100 years'.  The reason why I've chosen to use this idea in my project is because I think this idea is very interesting and I have a feeling that I can be very creative while working on this project. I already have so many ideas in my head, from what outfit I will use to what music I'm going to play in my video. The other reason why  I've chosen this idea is because I'm really interested in fashion, sewing clothes and directing photo shoots. I always wanted to g to a fashion school in London but unfortunately, it never happened. Therefore, i thought I can at least make myself a bit happy if I choose this idea because throughout this project, I will be doing the things that I would have done in a fashion school if I went to one. 

I think I can be quite successful using this idea in my project because, when people do something that they enjoy, it's much easier for them to reach their aims and success. For example, if I chosen the flowers idea, I don't think that I can be creative or even enjoy working throughout the project. I mean I would enjoy little bit but not as much as I would enjoy with the idea that I've chosen. Plus, I couldn't trust myself with flowers idea because I didn't think that I would be creative with it as the whole idea itself is very simple and there aren't many things that I could change within the whole project itself. Therefore, I'm happy with the idea that I have chosen now but, there are few problems which I might face when working through this project. 

The main issue that I could be facing is the fact that I might not be able to find the right clothes that I will need for different time periods. For example, in 1910's women used to dress up very differently and I haven't seen any places which sell clothes of the 1910's. However, I will have a look at charity shops because I think the charity shops tend to sell very old fashioned clothes. Even though the clothes are not example the same, I think that I can find clothes which at least remind people of that time. I'm not too worried about the clothes from 1980's on wards because I've got the kind of clothes that people used to wear in those times. I have already started to figure out the clothes that I will be using in this project. For example , the ones that I have already figured out is 1920's, 1930 and 1950's because I've for the kind of clothes that people used to wear during that time anyway. I also have all the outfits sorted from 1980's to 2010's. The ones that I haven't got sorted is 1910's, 1940's, 1960's, and 1970's. I will probably be visiting the charity shops to find those outfits. Hopefully I can find what I want.

So this is the justification of the idea that I've chosen for my project. I think I have enough good reasons to choose this idea over the others.


Choosing this idea or my project was the right thing to do as I will be enjoying the work I will be doing  throughout this project. There are many ideas in my head about this project and as I have mentioned it before, I already started to get the outfits I'm going to use for this project. My actual plan for this project is to not only show the outfits of the time, but also show the way that people used to act, dance and basically create the exact atmosphere of every single period of time. The way I'm going to do this is to use different camera techniques, different effects, different dance techniques, different outfits and different music for every single clip I'm going to create. For example for 1910's I'm planning to use back and white effect and choose a music that was popular during 1910's to create the atmosphere of the time in my videos. However, when it comes to 1980's I'm planning to use a Michael Jackson song with different screen effects and dance figures. 

Therefore, my main aim is not only to show the transition of fashion throughout the last 100 years, but to also show the transition of atmosphere and the style of music. When it comes to filming my videos, well I think using the studio will be the best place to use because I can use different colour backgrounds and different lighting. I think that create more professional video clips using the the studio. 

Some of the outfits that I will be using for this project are already ready. However, I still couldn't find an outfits for certain period of time. The ones that I already got it ready are from my own wardrobe and are the clothes that I use in my daily life. However, I'm planning to buy the clothes that I don't have from the  charity shops because charity shops tend to sell kind of outfits that resemble the olden times for example 1910's. There is no way of my having the outfit of 1910's in my wardrobe therefore the best place to look at is a charity shop, I'm hoping to find the clothes that I need as soon as possible. 

The style if music that I will be using in my videos are going to be very different from each other. However, the ones from 1910's till 1940's tend to be quite similar because between those times the instrument saxophone was very popular and common therefore there is a possibility of some of some of the music being similar in few of my clips. However, I will be doing my best to find as much different songs and music as I can. 

When I start filming my videos in the studio, I want to use 2 or 3 cameras because I want to catch the same kind of scene from different perspectives as i think it will be more interesting when I start editing mt video. I want my videos to be absolutely perfect therefore, I will be trying my best to create the best videos. 

Creating these videos are not going to be very easy. The reason for this is because I will be editing each period of time on a different premier pro. For example I will be editing 1910's and will export as soon as I finish with 1910's . I will be doing this for each year and then i will be bringing al the videos together on 1 last premier pro project. I think using this easy technique will make everything less confusing for me. Therefore I will be doing what I said when I start editing my videos. 


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In the class we have made a presentation in front of the whole class to show the class what we have done so far. People had to listen to our presentation and make comments about it. My presentation took about few minutes and in my presentation I've talked about my rationale, my initial ideas and which idea I'm going to choose to use in my project. Before the presentation, I've prepared a short feedback sheet on word document and printed it out so that people can give me feedback on my presentation. I've took the photo of the feedback sheets with my phone camera to put it on my Wix page. Here are those feedback sheets.

Feedback Analysis of the Class Presentation

As we can see  in the photos above, 6 people have given me good feedback. In fact, I have received feedback from 8 people but 2 of the feedback that I have received only had 2  words written on it. Therefore, it wasn't really telling me anything which means that there is no pint of my putting them on my Wix page. however, when we look at the feedback that have been given me above seems to be a bit more detailed. In fact I was expecting people to be more detailed and make more comments about my presentation but it didn't happen. When we look at what people have said in their comments, we see that most of them are being very positive about my work. They think that my work is detailed and there aren't many bad things that they can say about my work so far. to be honest I'm quite happy to hear this because, it makes me feel that I'm on the right track. Many of the people who have given feedback did not give me any suggestions on how to improve my work even though I've asked them, this made me  a bit upset but I don't think I need any suggestions. However, it would have been much better for me if they have given me some suggestions because I would have taken their suggestion in account and try to reflect it on my work. The only suggestion that they have given me is to be more detailed and keep up the good work which is fair enough. I thank people so much who spent their time to complete this little feedback sheet. 


No comments ;/


I have prepared a questionnaire on Google forms about metamorphosis and my concept. I have asked 5 open and 5 closed questions (10 questions in total) for 10 people to answer. I have sent the survey to 10 people and received feedback from all of them. They have given me good feedback but I was expecting people to be more detailed and more critical. However, most people were positive about my work (which is a good thing) but they didn't give me any suggestion on how to improve my work. I was quite upset about this. Let's have a look at the feedback that I've got from people in detail.

The first question that I have asked in my questionnaire was 'Do you know what metamorphosis is'? Let's see the answers.

1- As we can see in the screenshot above 10 out of 10 people have answered this question by saying 'yes'. T o be honest I would have been surprised if any of them people said no because the whole theme of the subject we're all working on is metamorphosis (change, transition), so I'm glad that all the people know what metamorphosis is which kind of shows that people know what they're working on. Even though we all know what metamorphosis is, it might have very different meaning for us because not everybody is the same and different things can have different meanings for different people. So, just because these people have answered this question by saying 'yes' does not mean that they all understand metamorphosis in a same way.

The second question that I have asked in my questionnaire was ' Do you think that the topic I have chosen to use in my project is a good topic'?

2- As we can see in the screenshot above, 10 out of 10 people have answered 'yes' to this question. To be honest I'm happy about the fact that all the people think my concept is good, bu then it feels like people are not being honest. Again i was expecting people to be more critical and make criticise my work so that I can be aware of the things that are not good about my work. But, people are just being too nice and giving me positive feedback. I still appreciate the feedback they give me but I would like them to be more honest about their opinions. no offence!

The third question I have asked in my questionnaire was ' Does my idea relate to the theme Metamorphosis'?

3- As we can see in the screenshot above, 10 out of 10 people have answered this question by saying 'yes'.I must admit that I also agree with he people who said yes to this question because, if my idea didn't relate to the theme metamorphosis, then I wouldn't have chosen it to use it in my project. Therefore, I'm happy that people also realised that my concept is connected to the theme transition. I'm hoping that the people who have answered these questions are honest because I think it is much better if people are honest with their opinions as there is no point of me analysing the comments of the people who are not even honest with their opinions. I feel like I'm being too critical right now. 

The fourth question that I have asked in my questionnaire was 'Is it  a creative idea'?

4- As we can see in the screenshot above, again 10 out of 10 people have answered 'yes' to this question. So all of the 10 people think that my idea is a very creative idea. Well, firstly i would like to thank all the people who think that my idea is creative, but then again I don't think everyone is being honest here. Well, even though if they're honest or not, it seems that I need to analyse what I've got in my hand right now. The reason why these people think that my concept is very creative could be the fact that I will not only be showing the outfits of the time, but also the atmosphere,t he music and the effects in my video. From my point of view, I think my idea is quite creative, but I still feel like there is something missing. Hopefully I will find out what that missing thing is. 

My fifth question in my questionnaire was 'Have I shown an easy way to show metamorphosis or an hard way to show metamorphosis in this project'?

5- As we can see in the screenshot above , 7 out of 10 people have answered this question by saying 'hard' when 3 out of 10 people have answered this question by saying 'quite hard'. Now, this is the point where people started to have a bit different opinions about he questions that I have asked. 7 of these 10 people thinking that I have chosen a hard way to complete this project which I do kind of understand. I think I will struggle little bit when I start filming. But what worries me is editing because I find editing quite hard and my videos end up being rubbish most of the time .(not rubbish but not as good as I wan it to be). Therefore, I completely understand why some of these people think that my concept is a hard concept. The people who think that my idea is 'quite hard' might have seen better ideas than mine or they could just be thinking that it's not as hard as theirs. 

Now open questions- the sixth question that I have asked in my questionnaire was 'what does metamorphosis mean for you?'

6- In the screenshot above we can see that many people have given the same kind of answers. In my first question I have said that same things could have different meanings for different people but i don't think these people who have answered my question are included in the group of people that I'm talking about. My question wasn't a straight forward question, in fact it was a kind of question that was meant to bring out your true feelings about metamorphosis from deep down. It seems that many people are straight forward with some questions. The only 2 interesting answers were the ones that said 'change in every single way' and 'changing yourself'. All the other other are basically saying the same thing apart from these two. 

The seventh question that I have asked in my questionnaire was ' How would you show metamorphosis in your project?'

7- All the 10 of the 10 people have given different answered to this question. The reason why they have given different answered is because of the question. I don't think anybody would be working on the same idea (unless if they're working together in this project) therefore, all of these 10 people have 10 different ideas. For example, 1 person have said 'through bullying' which sounds interesting. '1 person have said that they're going to show it through the lives of the flowers. There are many different ideas. However the ones that caught my attention the most are the ones who said 'through a person going through a psychotic episode' and 'the change of environment' sounds very interesting. Seems like they will be producing something very good if they work hard on it. All the other ones are also very interesting as well but nit as much as the ones I've pointed 

The eighth question that I have asked din my questionnaire was 'Are there any suggestions that you could give me to help me improve my idea'?

8- In the screenshot above we can see that only 3 out of 10 people have given me a suggestion and those suggestions are not even helping me develop my work. All the other people have said that they don't have any suggestions to give me or said 'no' straight away. Only 1 person said 'I don't know' which is fair enough to be fair. The suggestions that them 3 people have given me is 'your idea is perfect, I have no suggestion', keep up the good work' and 'your work is very good so carry on working well on your project'. Well, i thank people so much who have given me these suggestions.

My ninth question was 'Do you think change is always necessary in our lives and why?'

9- As we can see in the screenshot above, people have different opinions about this question. 3 out of 10 people have answered this question by saying'I don't know'. Sometimes I understand people who have no answer for questions because there are questions that not everyone can answer. 3 out of 10 people have mentioned the word 'boring in their answer' which basically means that if everything was always the same the world and or lives would be very boring (I also agree with them). 1 person have said that 'it is necessary because the world is always changes no matter what we do'. I fully agree with this person because I too think that no matter what we will do the world will not stop changing as it goes against the rules of the nature itself. Some people have said 'yes  it is because change is a good thing' another person have said 'yes because humans need change' when 1 person have answered this question by only saying 'yes'. The answered are a bit interesting for this question, I quite liked it. 

My tenth question was 'How does change effect us in every kind of way that you can think of ?'

In the screenshot above, we cans see that 4 people in total have said that, they don't know. So, these people have no idea on how change effects them. 1 person have mentioned in their answer 'It effects us by making us become a good or a bad person'. 1 person has said 'sometimes it effects us in a good way, but sometimes in a bad way'. The answer that caught my eye first is the last answer on the questionnaire 'It can affect us in many ways for example it can make us become a good human being or a bad human being, a drug addict or a donation maker'. This answer is the best answer in my opinion because it goes it makes a point and gives a reason in detail. However, the main point that most of these people are trying to make is to say that change can affect us negatively or positively. 

Primary Research Reflection

I have looked at many things in the questionnaire that I have created. I must admit that I'm happy with the questionnaire I have done and thank to people who spent their time filling out my questionnaire.  The research that I have done is not going to help me decide what kind of way I'm going to follow while creating my videos. But I have to be honest. This is because I didn't really get any suggestions from people on my work. Therefore I'm going to do what I want. I have only prepared this questionnaire in order to find out what people think of my work and ideas.  I also prepared this questionnaire to get some suggestions from people on how I could improve my work but since people haven't given me any goo suggestions, I think it's the best for me to carry ion with what I'm doing. 


I have finished analyzing my primary research, now I will be making a secondary research for the project that i'm working on.   In my research I will be looking what kind of fashion were being followed during the olden days (from 1910-2010) . I will be looking at different sources like YouTube, Google search, Different magazines, book etc. I will be analyzing about 20-25 sources for my secondary research. I'm hoping that the secondary research I will be making will help me on my project. 

The video below shows women's fashion throughout the history

I started my secondary research by looking at some videos on YouTube that could help me with my project. When I went on YouTube I have written 'Fashion throughout the history' and the first video that came up when I clicked on the research was the video that I linked below. In the video, it shows how women used to dress up from 1915 till 2015. This video is a very good source for me to take in account when I start creating my video. Also, just like what I was thinking to do as well, in the video they were changing the music for every single outfit. The reason why they might have been doing that is to make people feel the atmosphere of the time that they're trying to show. However, they didn't feel the need to change the effects of the video which I really don't know why. It would have been much better if they've used black and white effects for vintage years. However, I will be using different effects for different years to show the exact atmosphere of the time. I'm hoping that i will be successful at doing it.

The video above shows how people used to dance throughout the history

I decided to have a look at different dance figures that people were using when they were dancing throughout the history, because I might be making my model use different dance figures as well depending on the time. However, I'm not too sure if I will be doing this. so, i went on YouTube again and put down 'dance throughout the history'. I clicked on the first video that came up which is the video that I linked above. I must say that the content of the video is very useful, because it shows how people used to dance and how they used to dress up. It was also showing the different times periods with different effects which I think is very important. For example when it was showing 1920's to 1940's they have used black and white effect which was a good idea. I will be doing the same thing when I start editing my videos. Now I know how it would look like if different effects were been used on different clips and I liked it. Therefore, I've made up my mind on that.

In the video on the right hand side of the page, it shows women's make-up throughout the history

In this video that I found on YouTube, it does not only show how women used to wear their make-up from 1910's till 2010's. It also shows how women used to put their make-up on in the ancient times for example ancient Egypt and ancient Rome. It obviously showed the time periods that I had to be looking at too which actually have given me ideas on how I should be painting the face of my model, but it was mainly showing the times which I wouldn't consider. However, I still wanted to put this video here because I thought it would be  good idea to put everything I look at on here so that people know what kind of research I'm doing for my project. Therefore, I will be putting every single little piece of research on my Wix page and document it as much as I can.

The image on the right hand side of the page shows how the women used to dress up in 1940's.


Obviously there is not only one type of fashion during them years. You get people who dress very posh, like a punk and normal. These women as we can see are wearing trousers which started to become a fashion in 1940's. Actually we can say that the first time where women started to wear trousers were in 1940's. in the olden days wearing trousers were considered to be a masculine thing therefore no women used to wear trousers before 1940's  (not common at all). However, the reason why women started wearing trousers in 1940's in my opinion could be the fact that women were gaining more rights and were also doing men's job as the men were all going to fight in the war (WW2 era). During that time, because of the lack of men force in the industries, women were kind of convinced to do the men's job. Therefore, I'm thinking that the reason why women started wearing trousers could be linked back to WW2 and the effects on women's reputation in the public. therefore I might be using these kind of clothing to show that the time is changing and women are starting to gain more rights. 

In the video that's on the left hand side of the page, it shows women's hair styles throughout the last 100 years

I decided to look at a video that shows the hairstyles that people used to do depending on the time period they were in. The video that I have found on YouTube is  very useful video, because it shows mist of the information i need. However, I will still be looking at different videos about hairstyles because the video that I have watched did not convince as much. I feel like I need much more information about the hair styles that I will make on my model. Therefore, my research about the hair styles is not going to stop here.

The video that sits on the left hand side of the page shows two types of women's fashion between 1900's 1940's. 

When I was searching for more videos that could give me ideas on the project hat I'm working on, I came across a video that hit me right in the heart. In my opinion, the video is very heart breaking and actually shows clothes that most people used to wear during them times. It's comparing the difference between rich and poor. During them times the world has seen 2 big wars and therefore most people were very poor and they didn't have enough money to buy those really nice expensive clothes. Therefore, the person  who made this video clearly outlines that she will be showing how most people used to dress up during those times. I do agree with he video a lot but I think in my video I'm going to be in the middle. So, I might be showing what middle class people used to wear. 

The video on the right hand side of the page shows the history of saree (traditional Indian dress that most women war in India) throughout the last 100 years.


To be honest, the saree dress does not have anything to do with my project but I still looked at the video to see the techniques they have used while showing different times in the video. as I was expecting, they've used different songs and different screen effects for different periods of time. I'm quite happy with the information that I'm finding because it makes me feel even more comfortable as I watch new videos and look at different pictures. The thing that I'm worried about most is not being able to find the right outfits and not being able to edit my video properly. Well, hopefully I will over come my fears and produce something that looks as professional as the videos that I watch about this topic. 

The video that sits on the left hand side of the page shows the different kind of hairstyles (bangs, fringe) that was in fashion throughout the last 100 years.

I must say the the video that I've watched is very useful in terms of giving me ideas on how I should style my model's hair. To be honest I'm not too sure if my model will allow me to cuts her bangs, I think she probably won't therefore there will be no haircuts. For tat reason, I will be searching about this hair style problem more and will find a way out. I don't think i will use very extreme hairstyles because the main thing I'm concentrating on is the outfit and the atmosphere that I create in my video. Therefore I will be using a normal hair styles of the time that we're in in the video. I'm hoping that my model will have no problem with me touching her hair.

I've collected some images from the internet as you can see on the left hand side of the page. These images are from 1970's and 1950's. The first image that's in black and white shows the hippies of the time. I really like the thing that they wear around their heads, therefore I will be using the same kind of accessories that hippies used to wear around their heads. I've made up my mind about the 1970's, i will be showing the style of a hippies for my 1970's clip. The two of the images below are from 1950's. As you could imagine fabric with dots used to be in fashion in 1950's, women used wear a bandanna around their heads with them dotty fabrics. I also liked this idea a lot therefore I will be using a dotty fabric on my model's head to bring out the 1950's atmosphere even more. The image that's on the far left hand side shows few women having like a barbecue party, they dressed in casual outfits that bring their beauty out even more. The image almost screams that it's from 1950's because in 1950's trousers and shorts started to be in fashion much more.  Looking at these images makes me wanna do this project even more and motivates me so much because I get very excited about the work that I'm going to produce. However, I'm still a bit nervous about my editing. 

The images on the right hand side of the page shows how women used to dress throughout the years. This is the kind of transition that I would like o show in my video. I'm hoping to create a piece work work that shows the transition clearly. As we can see the first image  shows the the fashion trend between 1900's to 1960's. All o the photos are in black and white but, for some reason I always think that the 50's had a different atmosphere and I wouldn't really suit the black and white effect to 50's for some reason. When it comes to my video, I would like to use a colorful effect in 1950's and make my video present more happiness and joy because for some reason I always imagine that 1950's was all about partying and beaches (even though it's not all about that). When we look at the first image, we see that all the images are in color, this have been shown like that to make the outfits stand out more and make it more obvious. However, I'm not going to make all my videos in color because I want to create the atmosphere of the time that the trend was running. Therefore, I will have to work on my editing a lot.

The screenshots on the left hand side of the page shows tells about how the World War 1 helped women to gain more rights and how it affected their fashion. We understand that because of the war women had to work because of lack of men in the work force. They were wearing trousers at work, but would cover it with a skirt during time off. I actually thought that women started to wearing trousers during the world war 2. I basically learnt something new. Of course we can't call this fashion but it's obvious that the world war 1 had an affect on the fashion trends of women.

On both sides of the page we can see 2 women with different hair styles. Well these women are representing the the types of hair styles that were used in 1980's. I really like the fact that they used to like extreme hair colors back in them days. Therefore, I would also like to use a chalk hair dye on my model when it comes to filming the videos. I also want to use extreme make up style too but i don't think my model will allow me to do that as we will e filming int he studio of college. Therefore, I'm not going to concentrate on the make-up that much. I really like the look of the woman on the left hand side of the page. I like her make-up and her hair color but I don't like the way that she styled her hair. Therefore, I would like to use a kind of hair style that looks similar to the one on the right hand side of the page, with extreme hair color


This week I will be carrying on with my secondary research start with my contextual research, finish my proposal and plan my final product and complete the pre-production paper work.

Carrying On With Secondary Research

I've added 3 videos that shows how to do vintage make-up and 80's make up (videos on the right hand side of the page and the video below.

These videos are make-up tutorials that shows how people used to do their make-up in the vintage times and obviously the party look in 1980's. I have watched the videos and I really like the content of the video that on the right hand side ( the girl wearing the red lipstick) because it shows the make-up that I would really like to use in 1950's. The red bandanna that she's wearing around her head is also very nice and also one of the things that I want to use in my 50's clip.

In the video that sits on the left hand side of the page it shows the glamour fashion of the women from 1920's till 2010's. 

The reason why I'm always searching for videos that shows the trends that women followed during the time they were in is because I would like to get an idea on how I should prepare my own outfits that I'm going to use in my video. Obviously, I've got some of my clothes ready but some of the clothes that I have are still not ready and i would like to make more research about the clothes that I'm meant to use in my video. I'm hoping  that everything would be perfect. (Even though it cannot be perfect, I will at least give it a try and do my best). 


I've prepared myself a little mood board showing some real images from the olden days. The reason why I've done that is to show what kind of effects I will need to use in each clip that I will use. I'm happy about the fact that i can access the internet very easily as I can find so many resources from the internet for my work. I found these images on Google and I must say that there are plenty of images which are also very useful, but I don't want my website to look too buy with images. In this mood board above I've got images from 1910's, 1920's, 1950's,1990's and 1980's. There reason why I haven't use the other years is because as I said it before I think it covers a lot of space. In the mood board we can see different women in different years wearing different outfits with their unique hair style and make-up. The mood board shows the look that I would like to show on my model therefore, I will try my best to reach my aim. 

                                                        - END OF SECONDARY/CONTEXTUAL  RESEARCH -

Secondary/ Contextual Research Reflection

I have finished analyzing my secondary/contextual research. the research that I have done have given me very good ideas on how I should improve my work. unlike in the primary research, I've actually learnt so many stuff from my secondary research. Now I know that what kind of outfits, hair, make-up and accessories should be used depending on the year. I'm happy about the fact that I've done this secondary research, otherwise I don't think I would feel confident carrying with my project. Therefore, I'm amazed with the research that I've done as it has given me so many ideas about my project. Now i will be moving onto my proposal. In my proposal i will be explaining the things that I will work on while filming my video in the studio. I will also give information on what kind of outfits and what kind of effects i will be using in the video that I'm going to make.


In my proposal I will be explaining in detail, the things that I'm going to do in my video. 

Production title and a brief description of the video

The title of my video is going to be called Women's fashion between 1910's-2010's. The reason why I'm going to have my title like that is because the content of my video is all about the fashion of the women between them times. However, I will not only try to show the trend but also to show the atmosphere and the effects of that time. I'm hoping that my video will be the way I want it to be. 

Who would your audience be?

the video that I will be making will not contain any kind of violent acts or sexual scenes. Therefore it can be watched by anyone from any age group or any type of demographics. The video I'm going to create will be suitable for any kind of audience to view apart from people who have epilepsy as there might be some flashing images and scenes in the video that I'm going to make.

What will the Audience gain from watching your video?

From watching my video the audience will gain the information on how people used to dress up between the times 1910's and 2010's. Also they will be able to see the difference between 1910's and 2010's which will make them realize how the times has changed the people, the fashion, the music, the atmosphere etc. I'm also going to try to make my video fun to watch so that the audience will enjoy while watching it.

Viewer response?

To be honest i don't really know how the audience will respond to my video I'm hoping that I will get positive response from everyone. However I'm still open for any kind of criticism. People who watch my video can give me any response they want but in my opinion, the main thing is whether if I like final product or not. I hope that the audience and I will like my video.

Estimated viewing time?

The estimated time of my video is going to be just over 5 minutes. However, it can be little bit more than that but not less. /the reason why It's going to be that long is because I don't think that I will be able to show my editing skills properly in each section of the video if I make it short. However, I know people can still be creative even if they edit a 30 second video. But, I don't feel confident doing a very short video because I don't believe that i will be creative enough and therefore, the video is going to be over 5 minutes but definitely under 10 minutes. 

Estimated number of location and where are the location?

I will only be using one location to film my video and that location is the studio in Mid Kent College. I will be using different colored background depending on how I feel about the effect that I want to have in my clips.

Health and safety?

As I will be working in the studio there might be many hazards. To be honest I didn't really used the studio properly before therefore I don't really know what kind of hazards will be waiting for me and the person that I will work with. I think there will be many cables hanging on the floor which could create a threat to our health, it can make us trip over which is the last thing that I would want. Also at the start of this academic year my teacher have warned us that the spot lights get extremely hot when it's on therefore the spot lights are also one of the hazards that we will have in the studio. However, we will be very careful and try to get everything sorted without causing any trouble or going thorough any hard time.

Props and clothing needed and how am I going to film this?

1910's: I've decided what I will be using for my 1910's video clip. Because it was very hard to find the clothes from that time and I didn't want to waste my money on something that I will not be wearing I went to a charity shop and bought a long brown skirt, lace shirt and a little hat for 1910's. 

It will look something like this...

As you can see the girl on the left hand side of the page is wearing very simple clothing. The outfit that I'm going to have in my little clip for 1910's is going to look similar to this one. However, I will also be using a little hat and my shirt is going to be lace. The effects that I'm going to use for this video is going to be in black and white because I want people to feel the atmosphere of 1910's. Therefore, I will also be using a music from 1910's as well because I think that using a kind music from that time will help me to create teh effect that I want in my video. 


I couldn't find the exact clothing for 1920's therefore I'm going to use an outfit that look like from 1920's from my wardrobe. The dress that I was Looking for looked something like this...

However, because I couldn't find the dress I wanted, I thought it would be the best thing to find something from my own wardrobe.

For 1920's I will also be using a black and white effect as well as using a song/instrumental from 1920's itself.


I didn't need to look around to find a dress that represents the 1930's because I've already got a kind of dress that looks like from 1930's. I've go that dress from T.K. Max last year. It's a plain long black dress that's a bit loose just like in 1930's. I will also be using a hat but, I couldn't the hat i needed therefore I will use something from my own wardrobe again. I've brought a Jewelry from New look. In 1930's women used to wear long necklaces. I've got the same kind of necklace that was used during them years. 


For 1940's I've decided to use very simple clothing and I also wanted to outline the fact that women started to wear trousers in the public. Therefore, I will be using a shirt and a loose trousers. In 1940's there was world war 2 going on therefore many people didn't have the time to concentrate on their fashion trends. This caused them to wear very simple clothes.I'm going to edit my video in black and white, i will be using slow motions depending on the song that I will choose. I'm planning to pick a sad song to outline the depression and unhappiness that the world war 2 have created.


For 1950's I want to go a bit more sporty. I will be using blue skinny jeans that I already have in my wardrobe. However, I will be cutting the ankles of my jeans to make it look like a Capri. I've bought a red top and a yellow belt from Primark so that it looks colorful. I will also be using a red dotty patterned bandanna on my models head because dotty fabrics were in trend by then. I want to use a colorful effect to show how colorful the outfit is and make my video funny and joyful by using a very hyper 1950's song.


I had to go around so many shop to find the outfit of 1960's. I eventually found the outfit I wanted in a charity shop in Tenterden. I'm happy because it looks like and outfit that looks really similar to what has been worn by the women during them years. The effect that I'm going to use for this clip is going to be black and white. I'm not panning to make this clip seem funny and joyful. In fact, I would like to use a slow song in this clip to make my video seem a bit sad.


I want to use a hippie fashion of 1970's because back in them days,t he hippie fashion was really popular. However, I've looked everywhere to find a hippie outfit that would go well with my video but I couldn't find any. Therefore, I had to go through my wardrobe again and i found a little blue dress that had little string hanging at the bottoms of it. I thought this would look bit suitable for 1970's. i want to use a very colorful effect for 1970's therefore, my plain is to create different colors of light in the studio to make it look like the model is in a disco. I will definitely be using a disco music from 1970' for this clip. 


For 1980's  I want to go with jeans that I already have in my wardrobe. I want to use a jean trousers and jacket with a red crop top underneath. I would also like to dye the parts of the hair of my model with a red chalk paint with her wearing red hooped earrings and a very nice 80's hairstyle. My effects are going to be very colorful and the music that I want to use will definitely be from Michael Jackson. For example the song called 'beat it' is made in 1980's and I think this song will go with the video that I will make very well.


For 2000's I want to use a classic woman wearing a plain dress with her hair tied up. Therefore, I'm also going to use a dress from my own wardrobe. I've got a plain nude dress in my wardrobe and I will bring that in along with a gold colored skinny belt for my model to wear it around her waist. I might use a song from Madonna in this clip (I haven't decided yet) and the editing is going to be in little bit faded color cold color effect.


For 1990's I want to use something that was in fashion a lot back in them days. For example; the squared patterned shirt and a jean trousers with the hair let down completely. I've got these kind of outfits in my wardrobe already do I will be using my clothes in this clip as well. The effect is going to be cold and colorful and I've already decided on the music that I'm going to use which is 'lady from Modjo'. Even though this song is released in 2001, I think it suits much better in 1990's. Therefore, I'm definitely going to use this song in my 90's clip.


For 2010's I will be using very basic outfits. For example, a skinny jean trousers and a basic top with the models hair tied up very high. The music I'm going to use will be the instrumental of the song called 'fade' from Kanye West. The effects are going to present today's atmosphere. 


In the proposal above I have explained all the things that I will be doing for this project. I also did a little planning on how I will edit my videos. I have given information on why I will be using the outfits that I need to use in detail with images. I'm hoping that I wills tick to this proposal and nothing unexpected will come up during the filming and editing.

                                                                                                   - END OF PROPOSAL -


This week I have finished my secondary/contextual research and my detailed proposal. It has been a good week but I wasn't able to finish the pre/production paper work. Therefore, I will be completing those documents and out it on my Wix page next week.



This week I will be putting my pre-production paper work on my Wix page. I will also start filming and put some of the test shots I've done on the Wix page. If I have time, I will be analyzing some of the test shots that I have will get it done.



This is the end of my pre-production paper work. I have completed the location report, agreement form, risk assessment form,to do list and the story board. I'm happy with the work that I have done so far. Completing the pre-production paper work have helped me to understand the importance of my work much better because, now I realize that completing the work given is very important and plays the key role in passing the course. I have completed all the forms online and took the screen shot of every single one of them to put it on my Wix page. The story boards took a good amount of my time because I had to crop the pictures, place them in the story board on online word document and had to take the screenshot of them to put it on my Wix page.


I will be adding some of the videos that I have used as a test. I will be doing this to show the process of making the final product. I want to show some test shots from the clips that I have done. I then will create a little questionnaire to find out what people think of my test shots. I hope that people will give me good feedback on my questionnaire. If not then I will be doing my best to improve my work considering what people have said to me in their feedback and what suggestions they will give me.

Above are some of the test shots that I have taken in the studio. They all represent different years and different kind of fashion. The first row represents the 1920's, the second row 1950's and the third row represents 1930's. I will be adding more test shots on my Wix page in order to get feedback from people. I would also would like to add some test videos as well but I don't know how I will upload the videos on my Wix page without putting on vimeo or YouTube. I might change my mind and put some test videos on my Wix page. Let's carry on with more test shot images.

The test shots above on the left hand side of the page are representing the 40's. I wanted my model to have a serious look on her face and be very calm and kind of upset in this clip. The reason for this is because, there was world war 2 going on during 1940's and mos people were upset, hungry and poor. The clothes that she's wearing are very simple as you can see it in the images above. As I said it in my proposal, she is very a plain shirt and a plain loose trousers with a skinny belt. I didn't want to do a heavy make-up on her face because I didn't think it would suit a war time period. Her her is in a very simple style, the reason why I done it like that was to show that people were not really bothered that much with the way they've looked. So, my model represents a person who is between working and middle class. 

The test shots above on the right hand side of the page are representing the 1910's. As you can see in the images above shes's wearing a weird hat around her head (which has not been used in 1910's). The reason why I call that hat weird is because, this was not the kind of hat that I wanted to use for my 1910's clip. I wanted to use something more like this...

Above are some more test shots which represents the 1970's and 1960's. The one that the model is wearing glasses is representing the 1970's and the model the sits on a chair below is representing the 1960's. As you can see the there seems to be a massive difference in the fashion trends of those times. One of them looks very classy where the other one (1970's) is more similar tot he hippie fashion of the 1970;s.

Above are some more more test shots that represents the 80's and 90's. As you can see both of the the fashions seems a bit similar to each other. The 80's and 90's fashions were of course a bit similar because these years were the times where people were starting change.

On the left hand side of the page are some test shots that represents the 2000's. To be honest I at first i wanted to use a woman who wears a daily outfit to represent this year. However, I then thought that picking an outfit that stands out more will be a much better thing  to do. The reason why is because I want my work to look interesting and eye catching. Therefore, I've decided to use a classy woman representing the 2000's.


No Comments :/

1- The first question that I have asked in my questionnaire was 'What do you think about my test shots?' As you can see most people have given me positive feedback on that. Many of them think that my test shots are good. Some people think that I go in detail with my wok which I really like doing. Some people think that my test shots are very creative and suggesting me to work with the way i'm going. I'm happy about the feedback that I have received from people on this question.


I have prepared a short questionnaire on Google forms for people to give me feed back on the test shots that I've put on my Wix page. In the questionnaire I've asked 4 questions and received feedback from 5 people. I took the screenshots of the results from the questionnaire and now I will be putting those screen shots on my Wix page to analyse the feed backs.

2- The second question that i have asked in my questionnaire was 'What kind of camera angles should I be using for my clips?'

Most people who answered this question think that y camera angles are already good. However, some people have suggested me o use some camera angles from the back and from the sides. I might be taking this into consideration.

3- The third question that I have asked on my questionnaire was 'What could you suggest for me to improve my work?' 

Some people have said 'be more creative' some people have told me to 'follow the instructions on the assignment' sheet some people have suggested me to 'use better camera angles' and some people have told me to carry on the way that I'm working.I appreciate all the feedback that I receive from people and will be working throughout my project as well as I can.

4- The fourth question that i have asked in my questionnaire was 'Are there any more comments that you would like to make?'

2 people have said 'no' which means that they have no other comments to make on my test shots/work. 1 person has told me not to give up. 1 person has said 'carry on working well', and lastly 1 person has told me to keep working. Well i will carry on working thorough my project until I get it done as soon as possible.


This week I have worked on my pre-production paper work, finished my filming in the studio, worked on my test shots and prepared and analysed a questionnaire on about my test shots to get feedback from people. I'm happy about the work I have done and I'm nearly going to the end. Next time I will start editing my videos.

This week I will be working on editing the videos that I had filmed in the studio. I will be using the Premier Pro to edit my videos. I will be searching for the music that I use in my videos. I will be adding some screen shots front the premier pro to show the way I'm working. I will also be linking the videos of the song and the music that I'm going to use.



The video above shows the song that I'm using in my 1910's video. I have chosen that music because I think it really suits the time and the atmosphere of the video that I have edited.

1940's- Gloomy Sunday by Rezso Seress

The video above shows the song that I Will be using in my 1940's clip.It's released in 1930's but I want to sue it for 1940's because I think it really suits my  video.

1950's -  Music music music by Teresa Brewer

The video shows the song I will use in my 1950's clip. The reason why I'm using this song is because it's cute, funny and really suits the theme of my video.

1930's - Edith Piaf La vie en Rose

The video above shows the song that I'm using in my 1930's clip. The song is in French language and have been released in 1930's. the reason why I' have chosen this song is because it really suits my video.

1960's -  All Am I by Brenda Lee

The video above shows the song that I will be suing in my 960's clip. The song is released in 1960's. it's a love song and suits the theme of my video clip.

However, I couldn't find that kind of hat anywhere, therefore i had to buy something like in the image above because at least it kind of represents what women used to look like a bit. It's not exactly the same it still kind of reminds me of the women who lived in 1910's. I don't know if everybody will think the same but I've done the best I can to find the best outfits, this was the best that I could come up with.



I'm using 11 different songs and music for each and every single one of my clips. Most of the songs that I choose for my clips belong to the time where the clips are representing. For example; for my 1910's video I will be using a song music from 1910's. This will  apply to most of the videos that I will be working on.

1910's- Skit beginning of jazz music

1970's - I feel love by Donna Summer

1980's - Beat it by Michael Jackson

The video shows the music that plays in my 1970's video clip. The song is released in 70's and was one of the most popular disco songs during that time. It really goes with my video therefore I have used this song in my 1970's.

The video above shows the song that I've used in my 1980's video clip. The song was released in 1980's and was one of the most popular songs during that time. I really like Michael Jackson songs therefore I didn't want to miss the chance of using one of his songs in my work when I had the change to do so.

1990's - Lady by Modjo

The video above shows the song that I have used in my 1990's video edit. I have used this song because I really like the instrumental of it. The song was released in 2001 but I still wanted to use it in my 90's clip because I think it suits the 90's much more than early 2000's.

2000's - Hung up by Madonna

The video above shows the song that I've used in my 2000's video clip. the song was released in early 2000's. The reason why I've chosen to use this song in my 2000's clip is because I think it suits the theme and the atmosphere of my video.

2010's - Fade instrumental by Kanye West

The video above shows that I've sued in my 2010's video clip. The reason why I've used this music is because it's popular and many people know it. Also it suits the time, the theme and the atmosphere of my video.


I've finished linking the videos that I have used in each and every one of my clip. I also wanted to give the reasons why I wanted to use these songs in my videos. The main reason why I've used all of these songs in my video is because each and ever one of them suits the atmosphere and the theme of my video. Unfortunately, there have been some songs where I wanted to use indifferent times. For example; I have used an 30's music in my 40's video clip because I couldn't find any song that would suit the the theme and the atmosphere of my 1940's video. Therefore I had to use different songs from different times on 2 or 3 of my video clips.


This Week I've worked on my editing and put the songs that I've used on my Wix page. Unfortunately I still haven't finished with editing my video. Therefore, I will be coming to college during the half term to get my videos done. After I finish editing my videos, I will put it on YouTube and then link it to my Wix page. I then will get few people to give me feedback on my video and will do a final evaluation on my project.



On the left hand side of the page is my final product that I've edited. I must admit that creating a video like that was harder than I thought. I was expecting this project to have less work but I'm the one who wanted to go in detail with my work. Creating the final product was not easy. I had to spend my hours on editing whether in class or in the editing suits. I finally got my product done and uploaded it on YouTube. I'm happy that I've got the work done. However, there are some bits which makes me upset. For example; the editing of my video is not exactly the way that I wanted it to be. I will be explaining the reason why in my evaluation.


I've prepared a short feedback questions to learn about people's opinions on about my final video. I have asked 4 questions on my feed back sheet and sent it to people through email. They've answered my questions and sent it back to me. Unfortunately only 2 people have given me feedback on my video. I've took the screenshot of the feedback sheet and upload it onto my Wix page. Here are the feedback sheets.


I've looked at the feedback sheets that 2 people have filled out for me to give their opinions about my final video. I'm happy because they said positive stuff about my video which is very important for me. Because, I f I work on something very hard and at the end it's not liked by other people, I loose all my motivation. This is one of the bad things that I always do unfortunately. However, they have also given me some negative feedback. I like the fact that they have pointed out the mistakes that they have seen in my video. This is very important for me because This means that people have actually watched my video. The thing that worries me about the feedback I have been given is the fact that one person have said that I've spelled the director wrong at the end of my video. This seems like a serious problem and I don't know how I will change it because I already uploaded the video on my wix page. 

Comment Analysis

No Comments :/


- How effectively have you used planning ?

I think I have used my planning very effectively because I've done most of the things that I said in my panning in my video. I've done lots of research until i got all my planning ready otherwise, everything would be messed up in this project. I was a bit scared about not being able to edit the video properly. I should say that my final video is not int he way I wanted it to be but it's still okay when I take a closer look to it. In fact, i was expecting a better work from myself but, my editing skills on premier pro is not enough for me to create the kind of videos that I really would like to make. therefore I've ended up with a video that still a bit good but not as good.  I also think that the duration of my video is quite long. Its 8 minutes. Well in my proposal I did say that my video will be over 5 minutes but I didn't think hat it would go up to 8 minutes. Even though it's a long video, I still don't understand how the time goes when I watch my video. May be I only feel like that because it's my own video. I don't know what other people think about the duration of my video to be fair. I've looked at some of the videos that have been produced by some people in our class and most of them were following on 2 -3 minutes. But then when I looked at mine, I was a bit scared thinking that the duration of my video is too long.

- Explain the techniques you used in planning the project: this should include either story boarding with drawings/screenshots, or mind-mapping, or a planning grid.

In my planning I have used many different sources. I've made primary research which was okay but did not help me with my work as much as I wanted it to. However, my secondary research helped me out a lot. In my secondary research I've looked at and analysed many different sources whether they're videos,photos etc. I've watched so many videos about the women's fashion throughout the years on YouTube and the content of the videos that I watched was very useful as it it was giving so much information and ideas on the trends in the 20th century. I've learnt about the kind of hair styles that women used to do in different periods of time. However, As you cans see in my video, I've used very simple hair styles because I didn't have the enough talent to style the hair like in those days as I'm not a hair dresser. I also learned about the make-up techniques of the time but i was not able to use the kind of make-up I wanted on my model because, we were in college and she wasn't able to hang around in the college with the makeup that I wanted to put on her face. Therefore, I went quite simple with the make up and the hair style on my model. Another hard thing about this project was the fact that I was not able to find the accessories and the exact correct outfits for my video. I must say that it was very hard for me to find some of the outfits that I've used in my video. the reason why it was hard was because not many places sell the kind of outfits that were in fashion during 1910-1970's. It was not very hard to find the outfits of from the 1970's but, the ones before the 70's were really hard to find. So, yes my secondary research helped me overcome some of the problems that i had during the process of this project. 

All the other researching techniques like mind-mapping, story boarding were all good. For example, I wouldn't have been able to expand my research if I didn't have my mind map because, I was making my secondary research by looking at the stuff that I have written in my mind -map. It was reminding me of the things that I should be researching on. Therefore, my mind-map played a key role in the making of the secondary research. When it comes to story boarding, well I have taken some shots from my videos and placed it into the story board boxes in the word online as there was a story board template from my other units, so I used it online for this project. 

- locations you aimed to use?

I have only used one location in the creation of my video. That location was the studio in Mid Kent College. The reason why I've used this location was the fact that my video was like a photo shoot. That's why I thought the best place for me to shoot my videos would be the studio.I think I've made the right decision to use the studio because the background in my video seems very professional in my opinion. another reason was the fact that I was able to use different color studio light to create multiple color reflection in the studio. I've used this technique in my 1970's video because the theme of the 70's video was disco. Therefore, it was suppose to look like as the model was in dancing in a disco. You can have a look at the lighting when you watch my video. I was in the studio for so long with my model. It took us ages to film the videos. The thing that actually took my time was setting up the camera, tripod, lighting and getting my model ready. The filming bit was actually very short but, I've struggled a lot when I was trying to set up the camera on the tripod. The reason for this is because, the days where I was filming, there were no other tripods left in the store room other than one and that one tripod was not a very good one. It was loose and I had to hold on to it very tightly when I was filming. 

- What did I struggle with? any problems throughout the project?

To be honest I have struggled with many things throughout this project. The main thing that I struggled was finding the outfits that I needed to use in my videos. As you could imagine not many places sell the clothes that was in fashion 100 years ago. This is the reason why some of the clothes that I've used in my video are not exactly the same outfits that have been used. However, they are the similar kind of outfits which can remind you of the time that it resembles. It would have been much better if I could of found the each outfits for my project. However, I was unlucky and I didn't have enough time to search for different clothing. Finding the right outfits have took me about 3 days. Some of them outfits are from my own wardrobe and some of them are the ones that I've bought from charity or a normal clothes shop.

Another thing that I struggled the most with was the editing. Yes, I didn't think that the editing will take that long. It took me so long that I had to come in college during the half term to get it finished. But , the thing is even though I've spent ages on it but, the outcome is still not the way

I wanted it to be. The reason for this is because if you watch the video carefully, you would definitely find the mistakes very easily. People who watched my video did not watch it carefully because if they did, then they would have realised the mistake I've done in the 1950's section. At the end of the 1950's clip I've put 1960's which I think is a very big mistake. I didn't mean to do it like that but what made me do it is because I was in a rush while editing the 1950's video. Therefore, I didn't realise the mistake that I was doing. The another mistake that I've done in the video was me spelling the word 'director' wrong at the end of the video. I've spelled it like 'direcror' unfortunately, and one of the people who have watched my video actually saw that ,mistake and outline it in my peer critique. All of these mistakes were done because of the lack of time i had. I was in a complete rush when editing my video (I wish I paid more attention). Unfortunately, there is no chance of me re-editing my video because I already uploaded on to my wix page. The thing is, this is not the only problem in my video for example; at some parts of the video I forgot to turn down the volume of the original videos you can see it when you watch the whole video. This is another thing that I'm very upset for. The fact that the parts between the videos are very sudden is also making me very worried. I was expecting a better editing skills from myself. 

When I was editing in the class I've got told by my teacher that I could use different kind of patterns in the my videos to show the transition. My teacher have told me about an artist that I can't remember the name of. He said I could take ideas from her but unfortunately, I wasn't able to do that because I didn't know how to use patters with a low opacity on the screen of my whole video. My teacher has shown me how to do it but I forgot it straight away, therefore I wasn't able to use the idea that my teacher have suggested me unfortunately. Well, at the end of the day, I think my video is fine but not as good. ,

- What has worked well ?

There were few things that worked very well throughout this project.For example, I've used Vanessa Toth s my model and I must say that she was the best person that I could pick from that classroom. The reason why is because, she was listening to the things that I was telling her and wasn't moaning about anything. She was in the studio with me for hours and hours working through this project so I'm very thankful that I've had a very good model that would stick to the work she has given. Another thing that worked well is finding the songs for the videos. I had to find 11 different songs/music as there are 11 different clips in my video. I found all of the song son YouTube, they weren't really easy to find but at the end I really liked the songs that I've found for my videos.

                                                                                        - END OF FINAL EVALUATION-

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