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Advertisements unit 4

Investigating Adverts

Banned adverts:

banned Dove racist advert-Here is link

banned Veet advert-Here is the link

banned Doritos advert-Here is the link

banned Skittles advert-Here is the link

banned Charcoal Donut advert-Here is link

1) Analyse at least 2 tv/online advertising campaigns

2) Analyse at least 2 print advertising campaigns

3) Explain the role of the ASA

4) Read through codes and pull out interesting section and analyse e.g. cigarettes


Analysing tv/online advertisements

1) Skittles advert

What kind of advert is it?

The Skittles advert is the first advert that i will be analysing. First of all let's describe the scenes that are inappropriate in the advert. The advert starts off by a groom and bride having sexual intercourse on a bed in a fancy room with the lights on (with their traditional wedding costumes on) and then end the groom starts ejaculating skittles on the brides' face. to be honest it is a fact that Skittles makes at least 1 advert banned almost every year.

Why do you think it was banned? if not known!

I could not find the reasons why this advert was banned but from my point of view it was banned because of the sexual contents the advert itself contains. Actually, it is not very surprising that this advert has been banned as it contains a lot of inappropriate sexual scenes. Even worse, the advert is presenting something that kids would be interested in which are skittles (types of sweet that kids like). I think this is where the problem occurs because, to me it looks like the target audience for such a product like skittles would be the kids and therefore, such sexual scenes like in this advert are totally unacceptable. To me it also seems like the advert almost trying to give the message of early sex or trying to convince children to start early sex before they're 16. Or, is it secretly trying to warn the teenagers who don't use condoms while they're having sex and suggesting them to ejaculate on the girls' face instead of inside? Who knows? So, therefore, in my opinion these are the reasons why this advert was banned.

What was this advert trying to say about the product?

There could be many things that the advert is trying to say about the product. For example; it might be trying to say that the product (Skittles) gives you a unstoppable power. The reason why it might be saying that is the extreme uses of power and masculinity by the man (the groom) in the advert. When we watch the advert we can clearly spot that out. However, another thing that the advert might be trying to say about the product is, the products' compliance with older age groups as well. As we know such a product like Skittles which is a type of sweet would mostly interest the younger age groups. However, in this advert we can see that 2 adults which look in their early 30's seems to be interested in the product. So, it might be trying to convince the adults to buy it as well.

How was it advertising the product ?

From my point of view the presentation of the advert is absolutely awful. The way that they advertise the product has been done in a very rude and inappropriate way. I don't even know how they came up with this idea and even if they did, how did they actually dare to put it up on the tv. 2 people in a rough sexual intercourse on the bed and presenting inappropriate behaviours that you would commonly see in porn. Therefore, the way they advertise the product is creative but unsuitable for such a product. If it was a condom advertisement than it might be okay (actually even for condom it is a bit too much) but, this is not a condom advertisement, it is advertising sweets which should be advertised in a more childish way to attract the target audience

It would have been much better if they advertised the product in a circus, if they really was trying to make their product look like something that gives you energy and power. For example, a clown eating skittles before it gets up on the stage to gain enough energy for the whole night. In this way they could have interested the young people and make it look more fun more them and also attract the older age groups by showing that it gives you energy. They didn't necessarily had to make-up a porn-like video to interest people. Therefore, I think it was a right thing to do to get this advert removed.

2) Charcoal Donut advert

What kind of advert is it?

Charcoal Donut advert is the second tv/online advert that I will be analysing. It is a kind of advert that

Why do you think it was banned? if not known!

What was this advert trying to say about the product?

How was it advertising the product ?

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