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factual production

October 21, 2017

Primary and Secondary Research

What is Primary Research?

The purpose of the primary research is to collect answers from people for specific questions. Surveys, questionnaires, interviews and talking to people individually are all included in the primary research.

The intention of the primary research is to collect answers from people for specific questions. Surveys, questionnaires, interviews and talking to people individually are all included in the primary research. So, when you want to make a research about a particular topic for example; drinking alcohol, you can start off by creating a survey or a questionnaire that you’ve created yourself and introduce it to people to receive feedback. The feedback that you received is your primary research. It’s the research that you have made yourself with your very own ways and questions.

What is Secondary Research?

Secondary research is the research that has been collected by someone else. Secondary sources of data for common social sciences include surveys, organisational records and data collected through qualitative methods or qualitative research. Sometimes it can be much easier to make a secondary research because you basically look at different types of resources such as books, magazines, newspapers, internet, videos to find out information about a specific topic or topics. Finding out the information using different resources gives you more ideas of how to make a proper research. When you find out the information you need on whatever resource you have used, you can summarise and analyse it to suck the information into your brain properly. This is called secondary research.

Comparing Primary and Secondary Research

Primary research advantages and disadvantages: There are advantages of the primary research of course for example; you can find the targeted issue much easier, you can have better control over the research and the issue and you will also receive more accurate feedback that you can trust and rely on because the feedback that you receive is from your very own experiences.


November 7, 2017

What is Factual?

Definition of factual: something thats fact-based and contains true facts rather than random theories or personal interpretations. In the media there are programmes which are based on true stories and on true people. These programmes are factual (fact-based) programmes that are non-fiction.

The list of the programmes that we can consider factual are for example; documentaries. However, it's different when it comes to historical documentaries because sometimes the historians might make their own personal interpretations and add their own theories to some events that happened in the past. Therefore some of the historical documentaries might be biased and intentional by presenting the wrong information to the audience.

The reason why we have factual programmes is the fact that it gives information and it educates people about a particular topic or an event. The information thats trying to be transferred needs to be proven and be fact-based, otherwise we cannot consider these programmes as "factual". For example; to be able to make a short factual video on what young people are interested into, we need to make a deep research first in order to present the very best factual results. These results must be proven. Therefore, questionnaires and surveys can be a great way to back your point up because you've actually asked the targeted people what they're into. We can deliver these proven facts to our audience which will make our short video a "factual production".

The advantage of the factual productions is that you educate people by giving them information about whats going on around the world. For example; news and documentary programmes are the best examples of factual productions. However, there are also some disadvantages of these programmes. For example; privacy or being bias. This is a big issue with factual programming because some people might want to be free from the public's attention. When it comes to being biased well, this is another problem. As I've mentioned it before, you might come across some people being biased in news, documentaries or reality shows and this messes up the whole point of the program because of people giving their own interpretation and giving their own random theories about a specific topic or an event.


Comparing 3 factual films or programmes

The films that I will be comparing:

The St. Valentine's Day Massacre (film)

Schindler's List (film)

Titanic (1997 film)

The St. Valentine's Day Massacre:

The St. Valentines Day Massacre is a film based on a true story of an Italian mafia called Al Capone shooting 7 people with the gun in one night. This incident actually happened in the past in Chicago on 1929.

The good things about the film

Well there are many good things about the film. For example the storyline is actually based on a true story of an Italian mob in america during the prohibition era. It is an informative movie because it gives great examples of how it was like to live in The United States during the prohibition era. The movie is also quite dramatic and exciting.

The bad things about the film

There is a bit of exaggeration in the film. The movie is also a bit complicated so, you need to really pay attention to fully understand the story and the characters. The movie was meant to be set in 1920's however, with all the flashbacks in the movie, it looked like the movie was actually set in 1930's Chicago instead of 1920's.

Schindler's List:

extension task

  • SWOT analyses

  • Explain why you chosen those ideas – inform, educate, entertain, provide a service

  • What will the factual production be and where will it be seen?

  • Create their final ideas to groups – peer - feedback


3 Ideas For 16 Year Olds’ Interests


v MAKE-UP – For girls mostly

v VIDEO GAMES- such as Grand Theft Auto, Fifa, Call of Duty, etc.

Here are the mind maps for these ideas


Mind map ideas for Netflix



15 November 2017

Comparing All 3 of The Ideas (Netflix, Make-up, Video Games)

Netflix: Netflix was the first idea that came up to my mind when i was thinking about the content of the video that i was going to make. The reason why I thought about making the video about Netflix was the fact that I know many teenagers who love watching Netflix on their phones, Tv's and other electronic items. In fact teenagers are not the only ones who watch films and other type of entertainment on Netflix there are many people from different age groups who also finds it entertaining as well, which is the reason why it is quite popular in these days among the teenagers especially. So, I thought it would be a creative idea to talk about Netflix in my video. However, I had to put the Netflix idea aside as I had to come up with 3 ideas. My Netflix idea was going to stay as one of the alternatives. So, the good thing about the Netflix idea is it's rich programs that full of joy and entertainment. It almost addresses to everyone from different ages groups with it's variety of movies (with different genres), tv programs, tv series, documentaries, cartoons, animations and reality shows. Also there is no gender for Netflix, everyone can watch, so I don't need to refer my Netflix to any type of gender, because it's literally for everyone.It has some programs and movies from different counties also. This makes Netflix one my best ideas. In total there are 14,835 titles which include movies, tv shows, documentaries etc. on Netflix.

Make-up: Make-up was the second idea that came up to my mind when I was thinking about more ideas for my short video that I'm going to create. What's good about the make-up is the fact that most girls get familiar with it at the early age. As soon as they hit year 8 in the secondary school they start putting make-up on their faces (some of them start even at year 7). These teenager girls especially (the ones who are 16 and over) when they first start college, they tend to feel much older than they are and they try to act like more like an adult. Especially, when we look at the girls who study ravel and tourism in college tend to put an extreme amount of make-up on their faces, therefore sometimes when you see the state of them, you would not call them 16 or 18 year olds because of the amount of extreme make-up they put on their faces. Also, when we make some research on the social media we come across so many videos photos and other stuff that shows make-up tricks and styles for girls. Especially the videos on Youtube (make-up tutorials) are the best ones of them all. Obviously not only the teenagers watch them videos but when we look at the people who make such videos tend to be younger people. So, what makes this make-up idea good and my second best is the fact that many girls are interested in it.

Video Games: Video games idea was the last and the best idea that came up to my mind. What makes this idea my very best is the fact that there are so many people especially young teenager boys who are interested in it. There are many teenager boys out there who love playing video games. Sometimes they get very addicted to it which causes a messed-up sleeping pattern in their lives. There are so many advertisements, so many videos (on Youtube) that attracts the attention of the audience. There are even videos on YouTube that shows people playing video games for hours and seeing their reactions. These type of videos are very popular and therefore the people that make such videos become millionaires (thanks to those kids and teenagers who watch it). It sounds very rubbish but it is an another way to make money so why not? So, as well as watching these videos, playing games on Xbox, Playstation, Wii etc. is also very common among these teenagers and some other people. Few of the most popular games these teenagers play are Grand Theft Auto (GTA), FIFA, Call of Duty and World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). No mater how dangerous some of these video games can be, it still gets distributed around the world and being played by millions of people. Teenagers and young adults tend to fall into that trick very easily and they're willing to pay around £50 or even more or less only for these video games. So I choose to do my video about video games because I think I have a lot of information about this topic and I wanted to to try something different. Many girls might want to go for make-up if they had these three ideas but I would like to go for something that i have never been interested in and make a good research about it to learn new stuff.

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