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Task 2 - "Carbon Copy"

You will need to create a shot-for-shot copy of a 1-minute clip of any film sequence that has at least 10 cuts. This will include a shortlist of 3 sequences and then analysing your choice. Evaluate your final product.

Photography- Print out the photos to ensure direct (3 photos) copy.

In this project I will be choosing 3 photographs for carbon copying. I will try my best to make the images look the same by using the correct equipment, correct effects and the correct perspective. Because, I have learnt that in carbon copying these factors are very important, especially the perspective. Therefore I will try to pay attention to these factors while I'm taking the photographs.

When it comes to the photographs that I will be choosing well, I want to choose photographs that reminds me of winter or autumn times. This is because, I think I become more creative and more productive in these seasons. Also they are the best times of the year for me.

Here are the 3 of the photographs tat I will be using for "carbon copy" and why I choose to use them.

One of the photographs I will use in the carbon copy project is this photo

(pine cone). The reason for this photo is that the photograph reminds me of autumn and winter which are my best seasons of the year. Autumn and winter months are more interesting to me than in summer and spring times, because I think these seasons are more inspiring. For example, if I want to make a painting or write a book, I definitely prefer to do it in the autumn or winter months. It is also related to the fact that this project coincides with the autumn season. So, for that reason being, I thought it would interesting to choose a photograph that reminds me of the fall season.


I have chosen to use this photograph for my carbon copy because I thought it would look interesting to use a cosy picture which reflects the things that I like doing during my spare time. Yes, I like drinking tea or coffee when I read. I like doing this often in autumn and winter because during the summer I find more practical stuff to do like going out, swimming and going holiday. However, during the fall season and the winter times I'd like to do drawing, painting, reading, watching interesting movies and documentaries. Therefore I thought this picture would be a good way to reflect part of my life style. Additionally, this photograph also reminds me of the cold seasons.


This is one of the photographs that I have chosen to use in my carbon copy project. Just like the other photographs I have chosen, this photo also reminds me of the fall season and the cold times of the year. However, this photo gives more information about the current time frame where the photograph was taken. what I'm trying to say is not what time the photograph was taken, but which scene and atmosphere the photo reflects. For example; in many selfies or photographs might not give us enough clue to understand the time of the year when that photo was taken. However, the photo that I have chosen to use is giving us enough information and enough clue about the time frame. I think this is very important when it comes to take photographs because, I think it is more interesting when the time is reflected in the photos. This is the reason why I have chosen to use this photograph.



Analysis of The Photographs

Here are the photos that I carbon copied:

This is the first photograph that I have taken (copy of the photograph number 1). I have done my best to take this photograph correctly. However, I have do admit that when I bring two of the photographs together, I can see that the effects are bit different from each other and also the perspective is not as good as I want it to be. The lighting is also a bit on the photo that i have taken is surely a bit too much than the lighting in the original photo. Especially the lighting at the background is overwhelmingly too much and disturbing. Also in the photograph that I have taken the cone at the front looks more close than the cone in the original photo. However, i think with this photo, I could have done more practice on it. However, it was not very easy to find the cones that were correctly shaped for my project. I had to look around for a long while to find the correctly shaped cones that I can use in my photograph.

If I had one more chance to take the photograph once again, I would of try to use less lighting and use the perspective more correctly to reflect the exact atmosphere that the photograph gives as in the original photo. Additionally, I think the cones at the back look more obvious and they seem to stand out more than in the original photo and I think this is another detail that I had to pay attention to. However, I think both of the photos still look similar even though they're not exactly the same.

This is the photograph number two. when I was trying to take this photograph, I had lots of problem and difficulty with the lighting and the perspective. The best lighting that I could do was this kind of lighting as you see it on the picture. I have tried my best to get the correct lighting, for example; I have turned off all the lights in the room except from a little lighting at the background however, I did not work very well. Therefore, I have turned the lights back on and took the photo like that, the results came out better. But, this time I had more lighting in the picture and I had to reduce this lighting by doing some photo shop and play with the effects of the photograph. As you see it below this what came out.

The perspective! Well, this was another problem I had while trying to take the photograph. I have tried so hard to get the correct perspective. When you first look at the original photo, you might think that it's probably really easy to take the photograph, but no, it's not how it is. I took many photographs to be able to catch the correct perspective and this was the best one that I could use. I have struggled a lot while taking this photo, but if I had another chance to take the photograph again, I would probably try my very best for the lighting and the effects of the photograph.

This is the photograph number 3. I think this photograph is my best out of all the three photographs that I have taken. However, again I think there is too much lighting in this photograph as well. The reason why there is so much lighting is the fact that I have tried to get the sunshine hit the leaves for them to look more orangey colour. But, then I realised that it wasn't a very good ideas. Well, it was but it caused too much lighting on my photograph which is not what I really wanted. The another thing that's went wrong with this photograph was again the perspective. I think the book seems to be a bit close and it stands out more than in the original photo. Therefore I think carbon copying is one of the hardest things when it comes to photography. This is because, the photographer does not have the freedom to use what effects, perspectives and the lighting they want in their photograph.

Well, even though my photograph is not exactly the same, I think it still reminds me and looks very similar to the original photograph. As I said it before, this is my best photograph in this project because, it reminds me of the best season of the year which is autumn. It looks very romantic and authentic with all them orange and yellow coloured leaves surrounding the dry pages of that old looking book. Anyways, again if I had one more chance to take this photograph once again, I will try my very best to use less lighting and use the correct perspective just like in the other photographs that I have taken for this project.

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