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What have I learnt so far? Blog Entry

This term i have learnt so many thing such as, editing, takin g photos with different iso levels and aperture effects, using the Nikon camera better, get to learn most of the features of the camera, taking photos with different iso and aperture levels, setting up the tripod correctly, tidying up the tripod correctly, and first aid in the filming studio.

For example, the image above is one of the examples of the photos that I have taken while being on 400 iso and using the aperture on 8. To be honest i did not know how to do this before because when you put the iso on 400 and put the aperture on 8 you catch really different shots, such as blurry hands with a stable face as you see it above. to be able to catch this shot i had to stable my face and move my hand really fast to to able to catch a blurry hand. This was on of the most interesting things that i have learnt in this term.

I have also learnt how to use the wix more effectively, for example i know how to get onto my blog easily now and i also know how to add videos and pictures onto my blog when i need to. I find using wix much easier now because i got used to using it really much.

Anyway, my ideal job in the future is definitely journalism because i love writing reports and discovering new things, especially about politics. I'm really interested in politics and i really want to become something to do with either politics and journalism in the future.

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